3 FollowersPaulaBelmonte
3 Followersmonteman
3 Followersdmontecino
3 FollowersEvandroLegramonte
3 Followersvermonter1960
3 FollowersVincechiaramonte
3 FollowersMonteroXTRUM2020
3 FollowersSLMonte
3 FollowersMonteM
3 FollowersTHE VAULT
3 FollowersWelcome to The Vault. This channel is focused on live streams, pod casts, interviews and general chats, covering topics like the paranormal, mysterious and science fiction. We put in the vault those stories we find interesting and enjoy. Come join us and explorer the hidden depths of THE VAULT.
Drew-Montez Clark : A Refreshing Voice of Reason
3 FollowersCommon Sense, Constitutional, Conservative
3 FollowersTheLogger
3 FollowersConcerned Vermonters , Pure Elections are our First Priority
2 FollowersMonte418
2 FollowersTMONTE
2 Followerssmmontez
2 FollowersRadiodosMontes
2 FollowersAlmontenegro
2 FollowersMontebischoff
2 FollowersMontez
2 FollowersAcharaMontessori
2 FollowersDonnaMontez
2 Followersrmonteilh
2 FollowersMonteverdi
2 FollowersClaudio Giovanni Antonio Monteverdi was an Italian composer, string player, choirmaster, and priest. A composer of both secular and sacred music, and a pioneer in the development of opera, he is considered a crucial transitional figure between the Renaissance and Baroque periods of music history