Mike Partyka


Mike Partyka is an author of fiction, nonfiction, and humor, and a video blogger on comic books, politics, and religion. He has appeared as a political commentator on "Fault Lines Radio" and "The Backstory with Lee Stranahan" and more recently as a comics commentator on Ethan Van Sciver's "ComicArtist Pro Secrets" YouTube channel. You can connect with Mike Partyka on Gab, and his videos are available on YouTube, BitChute, and Rumble. [AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Affiliate links, indicated by "(aff link)", are provided courtesy of the Amazon Associates Program. Qualifying purchases made through affiliate links generate commissions for the channel owner.]

Chemical Trails


Question for written answer E-005130-17 to the Commission Rule 130 Michał Marusik (ENF) Citizens, farmers and numerous environmental organisations, both in Europe and on other continents, show continued interest in long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft. Particularly disturbing are the reports on chemtrails, chemical trails caused by spraying chemicals in the atmosphere in an effort to change weather (geoengineering) and damage the environment and human health. Is the Commission aware of chemtrails and of any instances of their being used in the EU? Has the Commission taken any action so far to analyse that phenomenon and evaluate its effect on the environment and EU citizens? How does the Commission plan to protect EU citizens against such activities?

Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators Verified


For my other channels and socials check: www.michaeljackson.news MJDHI is a Michael Jackson death hoax investigation community. It was never set up as a fan based channel, but one in which people are invited to forensically examine the obviously strange and discordant events of June 25th and beyond. We try to remain as dispassionate as we can in order to unravel a series of events which are leading to an examination of what was ever true in Michael's world.

Cosmic Agency FR


Nous traduisons sur cette chaine, toutes les vidéos de Mari Swaruu en Français, ainsi que celles de Zael et Arien dans leur totalité. La chaine existe depuis la création de celle de Mari Swaruu sur youtube. Les traductions sont effectuées quelques heures après celle de Mari sur sa chaine dans l'ordre chronologique. Comme le disait T. Lobsang Rampa, ou Lao Tseu, "Mieux vaut allumer une bougie que maudire les ténèbres" Nous avons lancé cette chaîne pour permettre aux francophones, qui ont aperçu la lumière, d'accéder aux informations divulguées par les Taygétiens, et Swaruuniennes des Pléiades, qui sont retransmises par Gosia et Robert, des chaînes Cosmic Agency, Agencia Cosmica, Despejando Enigmas, et REVELACIÓN CÓSMICA. Nous vivons les révélations et c'est avec joie que nous continuerons à traduire, aussi longtemps que possible, les connaissances qui nous permettront, à tous, de mieux cerner les réalités de l'existence :) Votre petite équipe Francophone composée de : Olivier Gp, Jonathan, Yaka, et Deuane. ➡️Si vous souhaitez nous faire un don sur Tipeee pour nous donner un bon coup de pouce ;) c'est ici : https://fr.tipeee.com/cosmic-agency-fr/ Rejoignez nous également sur : Telegram : https://t.me/+t_MMOpnSYZoxYmFk Odysee : https://odysee.com/@Sanglier:8?view=home Cosmic Agency FR sur youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@oliviergp Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@Pleiadiens Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@sherahconsciencede5emedens899

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