The Malec's


We're genuinely excited to share our product videos for actual size, features, quality, how it works, likes, dislikes, installations, comparisons, compatible products, our experiences with products, also enjoy sharing our movie shorts and more! As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases 🛒 ENJOY PRODUCTS WE USE ON AMAZON HERE: USA: CANADA: UNITED KINGDOM: AUSTRALIA: Copyright © 2024 MALEC MEDIA LLC (The Malec's): http://Malec.Media All Rights Reserved.

Minimal Effort Podcast


Hello and welcome to Minimal Effort! We are a husband and wife team that discuss a wide range of topics; from breaking global events and celebrity meltdowns, to what's trending on the hellhole that is Twitter, there's sure to be a little something for everybody! We both work fulltime, as well as having 3 homeschooled kids, so please be patient as we can only do the bare minimum with this channel (does the name make sense now?)! If you enjoy our show, please do us a massive favor by dropping a like, leaving a comment, and maybe consider subscribing and sharing the video!

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NASA's mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research. To do that, we have worked around the world -- and off it -- for more than 50 years, searching for answers to fundamental questions about our place in the universe. We're exploring space and discovering Earth. Join us for this exciting and important journey.

I Melt Metal!


Description I enjoy melting metal, aluminum, brass, copper, and silver. When I melt it down I like to create new things with the molten metal. I melt the metal with my homemade backyard foundry furnace. Sometimes the things I make are made from wood, but soon made into solid metal objects. These wooden patterns are normally made by me. Sometimes I like to combine wood projects with metal projects to create a great combination. ****Disclaimer**** My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Melting metal should be done by a qualified or experienced individual that has knowledge on this. Do not try to replicate this at home unless you know what you are doing. Molten metal is extremely dangerous make sure all proper PPE "Personal Protective Equipment" is worn when melting metal.

The Nomad Economist


Meet the biohackers, brewers, bitcoiners, makers, growers, freaks, and visionaries exploring new ways of living in an increasingly individualistic world. Watch investigative stories about the bureaucrats and busybodies fighting for control over our lives. Hear independent opinions that don’t abide by tiresome left-right, liberal-conservative world views and talking points. Welcome to Reason TV, where you’ll find original reporting, documentaries, celebrity interviews, viral sketches, and policy discussions—all from a libertarian perspective.

The Rational Female


The Rational Female (formally called Non-Feminist Gal) is an anti-Feminist women’s advocate. Women have never been oppressed, there is no 'male-dominated patriarchy', the wage gap has been debunked hundreds of times, and most men couldn't vote by the early 1900s. Sex-positive, anti-woke, anti-trans ideology, pro-men's rights, pro-Britain, anti-Islamism. We must destroy Feminism and create a non-misandric women's movement that empowers women rather than claiming victimhood. This can compliment the men's rights movement, leading towards a better, humanitarian future for both sexes. Professionally, I’m a full-time indie author of over 20 books (young adult fiction, romance, and poetry). My latest novel "Tic Tac Toe", a young adult cultural Marxist dystopia, is out now. Not left or right. Ists and isms cause divisions.

Cis White Male with Extra Privilege


YouTube - Odysee - archive. org - Bitchute - DONATE HERE IF YOU APPRECIATE THE CONTENT - "And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?" "Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know." The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly. - Indian fable

Christine Massey Archive


This is a place where I will try to collect and publish all of Christine Massey's interviews, and public speaking events. This collection is maintained by BH with great admiration and adoration. Please visit Christine's website , , --> Look for the Orange DONATE button and please support Christine's vital work generously! Christine's Substack: Connect with Christine on Facebook: or or on Telegram: Christine Massey Archive: Bitchute: Odysee: Rumble:

Orlando Owen


Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen auf meinem Rumble Kanal, Mein Name ist Orlando Owen und ich bin Deutschlands führender Männlichkeitscoach und Mentor. Ich veröffentliche jede Woche Videos zu Themen wie Mannwerdung, Selbstwertgefühl, Beziehungen und vielen anderen spannenden Themen. Lass mich gerne wissen, was Dir das jeweilige Video gebracht hat und schreibe Deine Fragen in die Kommentare! Wenn Du mehr erfahren möchtest und wenn Du vor allem wissen möchtest was Du in Deiner Situation konkret tun kannst besuche uns auf oder schreib uns eine Email an Ich freue mich Dich bald persönlich kennen zu lernen. So long, dein Orlando