Homeopathic Medicine details and uses channel


Dr.Abdul Manan is a specialized Homeopathy Doctor having vast and explicit experience in the field of Homeopathy since many years. From common cold, acidity to serious illness such as gallstones, Cirrhosis of the Liver, fatty liver, High BP, he has provided great relief through his unique ability of understanding the illness and providing with effective homeopathic medicine with proper dosages. Dr.Abdul Manan is on a mission to transform the health of crores all across Pakistan. Contact No 03049081726 for whatsapp only Thanks for watching my channel...



I proudly assume the mantle of a holistic medicine practitioner, dedicated to harmonizing spiritual and physical facets of well-being. My mission encompasses elucidating the profound purpose that underpins existence, delving into the divine teachings enshrined within the Torah of Hashem, and unraveling the underlying causes of ailments and premature demises. My outreach extends worldwide, as I offer complimentary holistic medicine consultations, a gesture of goodwill and care. For direct engagement, kindly navigate to the upper right corner of my YouTube channel, where you can access my Facebook page. Don't hesitate to send a friend request and share your thoughts, as I wholeheartedly invoke the blessings of Hashem and aspire to cultivate a state of tranquil shalom.

Wij verstrekken informatie over het medicinale gebruik van cannabis


Wernard Bruining bedacht 2009 het concept van verdunde THC-olie en in 2013 introduceerde hij verdunde CBD olie in Nederland. Tegenwoordig wordt verdunde CBD-olie overal te koop aangeboden, compleet met wietblaadjes op het etiket. Wietolie maakt zelfzorg wel heel eenvoudig en dat reduceert dan weer het aantal bezoekjes aan een huisarts. In 2020 kwam Wernard op het idee om 500 druppels CBD MAX (20ml) te mixen met een enkele druppel THC. Deze "Wondere Wietolie" bleek vele malen effectiever als iedere olie afzonderlijk door wat heet het entourage effect. Het maakt cannabinoïde zelfzorg steeds meer tot een volksmedicjijn, dat goedkoop is en altijd onschadelijk, want plantaardige cannabinoïden zijn vrijwel identiek aan die welke het menselijk lichaam produceert. Daarom is er in 10.000 jaar nog nooit iemand aan overleden. Je kunt ons vinden op www.mediwiet.nl en www.cbdshop.nl

Biomedicina TV


Ph.D. Sándor Peresztegi kutató-professzor, tudományos cikkíró, és egyetemi tankönyvíró, a biomedicina feltalálója, alapítója, a szlovákiai, de USA-Kanada-NASA (MARRAH PROPERTIES, INC. United States of America and the Country of Canada - 1915 Highway 182. Morgan City, St. Mary Parish, Louisiana 70380) tulajdonában lévő és a szlovák kormány felügyelete alatt működő, APOSTILLE jogkörű Dr. Kim & Peresztegi Hungagu Biogyógyászat főigazgatója, EU Apostille Jogkörű Független Orvosi Főtanácsadó, az Ellenőrző- és Minősítő Orvosi Bizottság elnöke, több BIO-gyógyszer feltalálója, a koronavírusok izolálásában világelső nemzetközi kutatócsoport vezetője, a Biomedical Journal nemzetközi orvosi folyóirat főszerkesztője. Read more: http://biogyogyaszdoktor.hupont.hu/1/bemutatkozas



Welcome to Performance Sports Medicine! Based in Dallas, Texas, we are a state-of-the-art sports medicine and injury rehabilitation center designed to get your back on your feet faster and stronger than ever. Our goal is to make you feel better - and we have high-quality services available to make our goal a reality! We offer a wide variety of treatments including deep tissue laser therapy, corrective conditioning, DEXA body composition scans, and rejuvenation medicinal therapy. With many years of expertise and experience, our fearless leader Dr. Reno is able to assess, diagnose, and treat your injuries. Personalized care is our #1 priority - so you can rest assured that you will be well taken care of by our team at PSM! To learn more about our services, please visit our website https://www.performance-sportsmed.com