0 Followerscolibri2
0 Followerscolibricolibri
0 FollowersAquaColibri
0 FollowersLibrisa
0 Followerslibriad
0 FollowersPilaDiLibri
0 FollowersKolibrieNL17
0 FollowersCosmicColibri
0 FollowersKColibri
0 FollowersA Channel for Spiritual Talks
0 FollowersOn this channel, Echoe-Librium, the world of numbers are emphasized, as well as talks on symbols and metaphysics. By my said I have the Elohim and other light-guides, to show us how to move forward into a grander state of enlightenment. Every week on Thursday, you will find an update of energies/ a reading through the symbolic numbers or simply messages that has been passed down to me as a channel. I have been deep diving into numbers since 1987, and I am a licensed Minister of Pleiadian Lightwork Healing, but I also use universal methods in my practices with various tools. If you are interested in my services, products and teachings - please visit my new homepage on wordpress, that will be filled with information, stories and wonderful things! I have a "sister channel" to Rumble one could say, where I put out essential teachings every coming Sunday, with a new upstart on find it on the 7:th of July. If you resonate and want to understand/grow with the illuminating light - then please visitmy podcast on Spotify! Down b