The World Is A Lie


We are through the one true non trinity G-d exposing the worlds three biggest lies and showing the true non trinity and non preexistent by G-d exalted man Messiah Jesus of the Bible that G-d has given us for our salvation and there is a war of satan in hiding the true Messiah Jesus that the churches and "jehovas witnesses" and New age are promoting and leading man away from his salvation. This temporary life is a trial for G-ds coming eternal kingdom that will soon be here on earth. THE THREE BIGGEST LIES - Who G-d is (The unbiblicalTrinity that is Sun-Worship and A unbiblical Pre-existent "jesus" that is a gnostic religion) - Earth "form" and cosmology (New Age Sun-worship cosmology "Helio-centrism" and worship of the CGI-Ball/"Baal") - Earth age (Evolution/Darwinism) G-ds 7000year salvation plan micro to macro 7days creation of the world and the total length of his plan where 1day is as 1000years in the Bible and we are now in the end of 6000years and the Millenial reign is coming For more info: See more of our videos at Youtube: If you want to give a gift through Patreon:

Seeking the Truth & Exposing the Lies of our World


Exposing the Hidden Truths of our Society and our Earth - HEALTH & MEDICAL FRAUD - COVID FRAUD - NASA FRAUD - FE - NWO - VACCINES - HIDDEN HISTORY - FAKED MOON LANDINGS - ETC - The powers that be have lied to the public about literally everything from medicine, the human body, health, viruses & diseases, space, the shape of the earth, our history, financial system, and much more. Help expose the truth and wake up the masses by exploring & sharing the truth content on this channel, much of which was provided by numerous truth seekers from around the world! A big thank you for all the content creators that have contributed their precious time and money and risked their reputations and careers to create some of the great content on this channel! YOU are the true patriots of our society!!

LFAM Streamers Podcast Inspirational-Conspiracy-Truth-No More LIES Verified


TikTok 200,000 views monthly | KICK | Twitch | Youtuber | Kick | Facebook Gaming, Streamers LiKwaiLao, BmxSharkArt, & Thoumustgame, Interview other Streamers, Gamers, Artists, Athlete's, & Actors alike on why they became a streamer or content creators. LiKwaiLao also created LFam Streamers Music with over 1 million plays so Content creators would not get DMCA strakes | Voted Top 10 Podcast for Streamers & Content Creators in the World. LiKwaiLao is best known as a popular Gaming Streamer on 8 Major Platforms, who is an Official . Li is a former Mixer Streamer as well as an extremely skilled gamer. He's an Ex-Extreme Sports Athlete who after a neck injury that should have killed while surfing made the way to inspire others faith in never giving up. Li shines with his two amazing co-host BmxSharkArt & Thoumustgame who are also streamers on these platforms. This Powerful podcast is always recorded raw in real time, because they believe it's time the world see's nothing but the truth, and it's funny grace filled

Mostly Lies Verified


Everything you remember is . . . Mostly Lies. The comedy podcast where friends gather to swap stories with a healthy dose of dark humor. Who cares if the stories are completely true or not? We're friends here, shooting the breeze about life, current affairs, culture, & even the latest video games. To be honest, when you take a story out of context, everything becomes a bit . . . well, Mostly Lies. So, if you're looking for some out-of-the-box laughs & enjoy a dash of friendly ambiguity, then Mostly Lies is your jam & we're jelly. We can't promise factual accuracy, but we guarantee side-splitting & thought-provoking entertainment. L8R- DAZ