

🎥 Mini-movies about business, marketing, money, & more. 🤵 my goal is to make unique high-quality videos on fascinating subjects & stories (by blending information and entertainment together). 📺 Think of it like a slightly more productive version of Netflix... Unless you're a Netflix lawyer, in which case think of it as something else. 🤑 Whilst business & money are core themes of the channel (hence the 'Magnates' part of the name), my hope is that anyone can enjoy these videos, as we'll be diving into a wide range of interesting topics. 🔔 Feel free to subscribe if you'd like to come along for the ride.

Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to ha


Hello everyone! Welcome to our channel! Here, you can find the most incredible gadgets and inventions, tips and hacks for your projects, super satisfying machines, and workers who make their job no perfectly you won't believe they are real. Be ready to have your mind blown. If any of this is your thing, subscribe to keep up with us,

Freelance Jobs


Freelance work offers the freedom and flexibility to pursue your passions and talents while dictating your own schedule and workload. As a freelancer, you have the autonomy to choose your projects, clients, and rates, allowing you to tailor your career to suit your preferences and lifestyle. Disclaimer: The video featured here is provided for informational and educational purposes only. World of Freelance Videos does not own the rights to this video. All rights and credits belong to the rightful owner. If you are the owner of this video and believe it has been used without proper authorization, please contact us, and we will address the issue promptly.

Joana POD


De autoria da analista política, escritora e Psicóloga Clínica Joana Amaral Dias, Joana POD, é um espaço totalmente inédito em Portugal, disruptivo, que leva a política para a rua e dá voz ao cidadão sem filtros, rompendo com os discursos políticos vazios que hoje embaciam o nosso quotidiano. Joana POD coloca o dedo na ferida, vai directo ao assunto, denunciando corrupção, injustiça, mentira, ataques aos direitos de todos. Joana POD é um podcast com três formatos (análise com liberdade de expressão da actualidade, intervenção na rua e entrevistas a personalidades inesperadas), com uma periodicidade quinzenal. Sempre temas de ruptura e de grande relevância para todos nós. Um podcast a que ninguém fica indiferente. Com a chancela de uma das vozes mais ativas da sociedade Portuguesa! Authored by political analyst, writer and clinical psychologist Joana Amaral Dias, Joana POD is a totally new space in Portugal, disruptive, that takes politics to the street and gives voice to the citizen without filters, breaking with the empty political discourses that today blur our daily lives. Joana POD hits the nail on the head and gets straight to the point, denouncing corruption, injustice, lies and attacks on everyone's rights. Joana POD is a podcast with three formats (free expression analysis of current affairs, intervention in the street and interviews with unexpected personalities). Always with breaking topics and of great relevance for all of us. A podcast that no one can remain indifferent to. With the seal of one of the most active voices in Portuguese society!