

Welcome to my corner of the internet!!! I am Papa Shaun. This channel is a collection of videos to help teach, encourage, and direct Biblically, Christians struggling in this sometimes difficult journey called life. Beginning of 2022, I was feeling led to start doing videos. But I allowed doubts and perfectionism to get in the way with ”it didn’t look right, I didn’t sound right, it wasn’t perfect”, so I never ended up doing any. The time for distraction, self-doubt, and the desire for perfectionism, needs to come to an end. I simply want to honor GOD, and do what I’m led to do through His power and strength. If I am able to help one person grow closer to JESUS then all of this will be worth it. Please join me on this journey.

News and Current Events


The Joshua Hart Lykins platform is devoted to covering news, politics, current events, career growth, success, health, and wellness!! His oath is to maintain the integrity of the United States through his reporting. He is a professional Analyst with 10+ years of experience including extensive corporate management within Fortune 100 companies. Our highest priority today is reigning in an Authoritarian Government that believes it can pick-and-choose who is allowed to have a job! Who is allowed medical care!? Who are allowed to shop in stores!? With vaccine mandates and many other policies that have gone way, way too far, it falls on the American people to come together to remind the government that they exist solely to SERVE the people, not RULE the people! If you’d like to support the growth of this imperative, we desperately need your help to gain traction in the busy social media world. I’m looking for partners, let me know how you can help!! 🇺🇸 - Joshua Hart Lykins