B.S-ing With Y-Eagle-Y


Welcome to B.S-ing With Y-Eagle-Y, the podcast where we take the art of B.S. to new heights (like an eagle, but with less grace and more laughs). Tune in as we pretend to have all the answers, make stuff up on the spot, and somehow stumble through wildly entertaining conversations. Whether we're discussing hot topics, weird theories, or just making random noises, you’ll laugh, cringe, and maybe learn a thing or two—though that’s not guaranteed. It’s like hanging out with your funniest friend who totally knows what they’re talking about… until they don’t.

Francewhoa • Critics of EVIL behaviors • 5m • En


Summary Mostly up to 5 minutes video clips. About a wide range of authors. And their critics of EVIL behaviours. In English. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- My Other Channel • Praises of GOOD behaviours at https://rumble.com/c/c-6040143 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- F.A.Q. • What does "Francewhoa" means? My nickname. • What do "5m", "e" and "En" mean? Abbreviations for short video clip extracts of up to 5 minutes (5m). From a wide range of authors. And their critics of EVIL (e) behaviours. In English (En). • What do you mean by "EVIL" behaviours? Within the context of Good versus Evil behaviours, what is Evil? It means behaviours such as "ANGER, REVENGE, FEAR, HATRED, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA, EXPEDIENCY, SELFISHNESS, IGNORANCE, DESTRUCTION or NEGLECT." Towards one's self, or other humans, or animals. ___• Read more about Evil at: ______• https://archive.md/uVDOP#selection-155.1-195.3 ______• https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil ___• Image EVIL at https://i.postimg.cc/tC6ndvXz/Evil-v1-IDU-20240403-231303.jpg ______• https://archive.ph/Skn1m --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Fair Use Disclaimer I neither created nor claim copyright for the short video extracts published on this channel. The links to both the sources and their copyright, if any, is in the description of each video. To encourage the video creators to do more videos, you are welcome to follow this link to my sources. Toward finding the video creators' full content. Then show them your support in any ways to both the video creators and your liking. My intention with short video extracts uploaded to this channel is for criticism or comment or educating or news reporting or parody, or research or satire purposes. Related legal details about "17 U.S. Code § 107 - Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use" at: • https://uwaterloo.ca/copyright-at-waterloo/faq-1-5 ___• https://archive.md/y94sk • https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/17/107 ___• https://archive.is/W0ct2 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Blog Disclaimer • This blog is about expressing my opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Nothing else. In other words, but not limited to, my blog is NOT a recommendation, NOT an advice, NOT a call for violence to self or others, NOT an endorsement. If you need recommendation of any kind, such as but not limited to, medical or legal recommendation, I suggest considering asking an appropriate professional to your liking. I suggest choosing one without conflict of interest. • I am NOT affiliated with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog • I do NOT have a conflict of interest with the author(s), or product(s), or service(s) in this blog. I am not a sales representative of those. • My opinions, feelings, thoughts expressed in this blog are my own. NOT those of a company. --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- Note to myself IDU_20240403_203659

Espera en el señor


Salmo 37:9 RVR1960 [9] Porque los malhechores serán exterminados; pero los que esperan en el señor, ellos heredarán la tierra. Lucas 12:49 RVR1960 [49] Fuego he venido a enviar sobre la tierra; ¿Y qué haré si ya está encendido? Mateo 24:14 RVR1960 [14] Y este evangelio del reino será predicado en todo el mundo, para testimonio a todas las naciones; y entonces vendrá el fin. Los israelitas hebreos son los llamados latinos, nativos americanos y negros, la Tercera Guerra Mundial, la guerra nuclear, la ley marcial, la salvación, los carros de Israel, el fin del mundo, Barak atha Yahawah Wa Yahawashi, la caída de Babilonia, los edomitas son los llamados blancos, la esclavitud , Poder Espiritual, El Señor es un llamado negro,

En-Gedi źródła


En-Gedi Źródła - to kanał poświęcony nauczaniu Biblijnemu. Dlaczego En-Gedi? Miejsce to oznacza oazę na Pustyni Judzkiej, tuż nad Morzem Martwym - miejsce schronienia i odpoczynku, w którym życiodajne źródła świeżej wody umożliwiają roślinom, zwierzętom i ludziom istnienie. En-Gedi to także nazwa Fundacji, która kanał ten prowadzi: https://en-gedi.org.pl A dlaczego "źródła"? Biblia jest dla nas źródłem wiary, mądrości i mocy płynącej z natchnienia Ducha Bożego. En-Gedi źródła - to kanał, na którym korzystamy ze źródła Słowa Bożego bez wyznaniowych zależności, bez tradycyjnego uwiązania, bez religijnego monopolu. To źródło jest dla każdego. To źródło życiodajnej prawdy. Kanał jest prowadzony przez Fundację En-Gedi: https://en-gedi.org.pl MeWe: https://mewe.com/en_gedi_placeofrefuge

[Ver-PELIS]™ Mujer Maravilla 1984 filtrada en Chile Pelicula Completa Subtitulo


Watch Here ▶️▶️ 🎬 ▶️▶️ https://fast.zmovies25.com/es/464052/wonder-woman-1984.html Watch Here ▶️▶️ 🎬 ▶️▶️ https://fast.zmovies25.com/es/464052/wonder-woman-1984.html Ver Online Mujer maravilla 1984 Pelicula 2020 Español latino - Descargar Mujer maravilla 1984 (2020) pelicula completa en español latino, Ver Mujer maravilla 1984 (2020) pelicula completa en español gratis, Mujer maravilla 1984 (2020) pelicula completa en español online gratis, la mujer maravilla 1984 pelicula completa en español latino aquipelis. Título original: Wonder Woman 1984 Actores: Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, Kristen Wiig, Pedro Pascal Director: Patty Jenkins País: Estados Unidos Año: 2020 Clasificación: B Duración: 151 minutos Género: Acción SINOPSIS: Son los años 80. Un futuro muy distinto al que había conocido, y en el que Diana Prince (Gal Gadot) echa en falta a compañeros del pasado. En este nuevo capítulo, la princesa de Themyscira entablará amistad con Barbara Ann Minerva (Kristen Wiig), una arqueóloga que trabaja para Max Lord (Pedro Pascal), megalómano empeñado en recopilar artefactos antiguos con la creencia de que estos le harán tan poderosos como un Dios. Cuando de forma sorprendente e inesperada Steve Trevor (Chris Pine) vuelva a la vida, Diana deberá hacer frente a Minerva, que se ha convertido en la peligrosa villana Cheetah tras vender su alma a una poderosa deidad. Esta segunda entrega de las aventuras de Wonder Woman, la superheroína de DC Comics creada por William Moulton Marston, es la continuación de la película Wonder Woman (2017). Mujer Maravilla 1984 como descargar peliculas gratis Mujer Maravilla 1984 peliculas para descargar Mujer Maravilla 1984 descargas de peliculas Mujer Maravilla 1984 peliculas gratis para descargar Mujer Maravilla 1984 peliculas para descargar gratis Mujer Maravilla 1984 y descargar peliculas gratis Mujer Maravilla 1984 y descargar peliculas Mujer Maravilla 1984 película online gratis Mujer Maravilla 1984 online película español Mujer Maravilla 1984 película latino online Mujer Maravilla 1984 película completa ❍❍❍ Thanks for everything and have fun watching❍❍❍ Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings! Thank you for watching The Video Today. I hope you like the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like or share if you like what we shared so we are more excited. Scatter a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors.