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Democracy can be improved, it should be improved. There are seven effective changes that would improve our Democracy. 1) Better Ethics Laws for politicians 2) Stop the segregation of citizens into thought categories of Right or Left. 3) A Quality political Information Law would ensure citizens receive unbiased, balanced, untainted information from the government and the media. 4) The citizens require a law permitting citizens to vote on issues with significant societal changes. 6) During an Election, the citizens require an Election Report Card to outline the failures/successes of the current government. 6) Also, during an election, it should be compulsory for all politicians to complete 3 televised Election Debates. 7) It is necessary for citizens to have access to a Canadian Online Forum to communicate with each other. And for a healthy Democracy: Do not be loyal to only one political party. Instead, vote for the ideas presented, not a politician's personality.



17 candidats, dont certains participaient ici à un débat sur CNN le 15 octobre dans l\'Ohio, sont toujours en lice pour la primaire démocrate américaine. ÉTATS-UNIS - C’est une partie avec ses dynamiques, ses concurrents, ses retournements de situation... et ses abandons. À un an jour pour jour de l’élection présidentielle américaine, la course à la primaire démocrate bat son plein. Mais, à douze mois du 3 novembre 2020, les démocrates sont encore loin d’avoir désigné celui ou celle qui aura pour mission de défier Donald Trump. Parmi les 17 candidats en lice pour cette primaire de l’opposition figurent plusieurs femmes, deux Afro-Américains, un homosexuel revendiqué et deux septuagénaires qui, l’un comme l’autre, promettent à l’Amérique un grand virage à gauche. Une chose unit ces personnalités diverses: leur désir de priver Donald Trump d’un second mandat, une humiliation subie par seulement trois autres présidents depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale

BlueWave Voice: Standing with the Democratic Party

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Welcome to BlueWave Voice, your platform for insightful discussions, engaging debates, and unwavering support for the ideals of the Democratic Party in the United States. Our channel is dedicated to fostering a community of individuals who believe in the power of progress, unity, and positive change. At BlueWave Voice, we're here to amplify the voices and ideas that resonate with the Democratic Party's vision. Join us as we delve into policies, campaigns, and conversations that drive towards a better future for all Americans. Whether you're a lifelong Democrat or simply curious to learn more, our channel is a space for respectful discourse and a deeper understanding of the issues that shape our nation. Expect a diverse range of content, including policy analysis, interviews with Democratic leaders, and coverage of campaigns that aim to create a more inclusive and equitable society. Our goal is to inspire action, encourage civic engagement, and advocate for the values that the Democratic Party represents. Subscribe now to become part of a vibrant community that values unity, progress, and positive change. Let's come together to contribute our voices, ideas, and efforts towards building a stronger, fairer, and more compassionate America.