Are You Prepared? Jesus Is Coming Soon


“But about that day or hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” Interestingly, the disciples asked Jesus the same question just before He returned to heaven. At that time, Jesus told them it was not for them to know the times or seasons which are in the Father’s authority. Mark 13:32 if you haven't received Jesus, Pray this prayer. "Lord Jesus, I come before you, I am a sinner and I ask you to forgive me All my sins that I committed in my life, please wash me with your blood that was shed on the cross for me. I confess with my mouth that JESUS is the Lord and Savior of my life from now on and forever I will serve you. Thank you for forgiving me and saving me in the Name of Jesus Christ AmenRead The Bible Daily And find a church near your areaGod Bless You. John 1: 12-14 1 Corinthians 13-14 Luke 5: 32

The Last Days - by Pastor Joseph Cortes


If you're looking for teaching on the man-made Daniel's 70th week magical last 7 years pre-tribulation end times Christian Science Fiction Doctrine (CSF), you wont find it here. Keep in mind, this collection is an ongoing series. It's important to start from the beginning, and work your way up to the present day because you'll need the earlier info to understand the latter episodes. In the first video, Pastor Joseph Cortes of "Faith Coming By Hearing" ministries will introduce his Last Days teaching series which began August 9, 2009 and has continued until the present day. In the second video Pastor Cortes will explain the historical origins of the CSFD myth & beliefs (mentioned above), held by the modern church today. From then on, it's a roller coaster ride using Biblical and secular historical dates, times, and events that mark the fulfillment of end times prophecies stretching from the Old Testament into the New Testament, on to the modern day, and into the very short future ahead before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. OH! Have your Bible and pen or pencil ready from the start. You don't yet know what a blessing it will be later to reference those notes you've made. Want more of Pastor Cortes? Visit Access his video archives in the Teaching Center. at: Watch Joseph A. Cortes of Faith Cometh By Hearing ministries LIVE at 4 PM PST every Monday and Thursday nights at Enjoy the ride!

Silver and Black Today - Your Premier Las Vegas Raiders Podcast


Immerse yourself in the heart of NFL action with Silver and Black Today, the quintessential podcast for all things Las Vegas Raiders. As an Audacy Original Podcast, this show stands out as the ultimate source for the most current news, expert analysis, and passionate discussions surrounding the iconic Raider Nation. Dive into a world where every play, every decision, and every moment is dissected and celebrated by the dynamic duo of Scott Gulbransen and Moe Moton. Whether craving the latest team updates, seeking in-depth reviews of off-field strategies, or longing to connect with fellow fans, Silver and Black Today is your year-round ticket to the most comprehensive and engaging coverage of your beloved Raiders. Join us as we live and breathe the excitement of the Silver and Black – where true fandom never takes an offseason.

TodayWithKay Verified


Kay Rubacek is an award-winning filmmaker, author and commentator fighting for human rights all over the world. After being detained in a Chinese prison peacefully fighting for human rights, she saw communism up close and personal. Kay is committed to exposing socialistic and communistic ties across America. Her commitment to intentional education about the horrors of what real communism and socialism are, is her life work. Her emphasis is to create an atmosphere of strength through peace and knowledge. Kay believes a truly educated society will not fall to tyranny and oppression; as long as we teach the truth.