How Bout That Cigar


How bout that cigar? We want to join with our viewers to learn more about the world of premium cigars. As we learn, we can also help others to understand and appreciate the dedication, care, and craftsmanship that go into each cigar that we enjoy. Along the way, we will try to learn about the materials, the places, the methods, the market, and most of all, the people. The world of premium cigars is all about relationships. Whether it’s the farmer who cultivates the tobacco, the blender, the roller, the tobacconist, or the consumer, this is all about the hands and hearts that make it possible. We look forward to taking the journey with you. A phrase you will hear a lot from us, is… “Burn cigars, not bridges”

Sweet Strategy | Binary Options Trading


Hello everyone! I am glad to see you on my YouTube channel My name is Lola and I am a professional Binary Options Trader on this channel I will show Binary Options Strategy In the video you will learn how to Make Money Online, Make Money Sitting At Home. If you are interested in learning how to Make Money on Binary Options to learn new Binary Options Strategy for Pocket Option, IQ Option. Subscribe on my channel and watch my videos. Remember Binary Options trading has risks. My channel is not an investment recommendation, your money is only your business. Let's earn together!

Цанов напред и нагоре


Каналът е посветен на свободния дух,свободната журналистика,любовта към живота и личните истории на известни и неизвестни личности, от които може да поучим и разберем повече за самите себе си. Разговорите ще бъдат записвани в една моя мечта превърнала се в реалност- Студио Дан Колов - първото в България напълно автоматизирано,патриотично студио създанено с много усилия,лешения и любов. Лични уважения към всеки записал се в канала.

No-Ordinary Stalking and Electronic Harassment


This is a channel dedicated to Targeted Individuals who are victims of Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment. My name is Andrea and I have been a Target Individual since 2002. My channel aims to intercept all those Targeted Individuals who are stuck in Organized Stalking and, through my content, help them wade beyond the movie they are living, a movie full of extras and full of twists. It is very important that the channel is supported through small actions, therefore your SUBSCRIPTION, a LIKE, or even comments are appreciated. As I said, comments are welcome, if constructive, if not, I'll just delete them without any admonition.