Grow, Heal, Inspire Change


Grow Heal Inspire - A channel where I interview and have deep conversations with amazing and inspiring people. People who are making a difference in the world, doing the hard work, helping others, showing kindness, teaching us about ourselves and how to better love one another. People who will restore your faith in humanity, people who are changing themselves, people who are interested in growth and sharing knowledge, people who want to inspire you and to be inspired by others. My name is Patricia and I am a Holistic Wellness Coach, Herbalist, Regeneration & Detox Specialist and Fellow Truth Seeker who wants to inspire you to be the best version of yourself and live a life of Abundant Health, Joy & Love. I interview and talk to healers, coaches, plant based physicians, organic farmers, trauma healers, environmentalists, micro-biome specialists, vegan chefs, fair trade companies, cancer survivors, and the list goes on and on. Check Us Out & Get Inspired For Growth Today!!

Metanoia - A Change of Mind


Is being saved just as simple as this? Apostle Paul writes in Romans 10:9 (KJV) "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." You'll notice there is no mention of repenting of your sins in Paul's directions to be saved. Do you think the Apostle Paul made a mistake? Did he forget? Is he a false prophet? OR - Has the devil perverted the gospel with a diabolical mistranslation of the original meaning of repentance? This "Change of Mind" series is not only (in title), the answer to that question, but a beautiful study in God's love for us, and just how simple it is to claim it through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

Dr. HermanSJr. (Founder - Platinum Sciences: Institute For Step-Change)

15 Followers | | Dr. HermanSJr. (AA, BA, BMsc, MA, MMsc, MpsyD) is the American-born, internationally-sought-after Global Change Agent, scholar and Doctor of Metaphysical Psychology who consults/trains over one hundred thousand entities across countries, industries, and languages; Harvard University-published writer; multi-book author (eight solo, two contributor) whose work is accepted into the collection of the US Library of Congress and used in educational entities worldwide; writer of +50 academic, business, and research papers; interviewed as an expert +40 times on media worldwide in various languages; awardee of six university degrees (one Doctorate, two Masters, two Bachelors, one Associates); instructor/judge at multiple universities/academies worldwide; business advisor/judge/mentor at entrepreneurship incubators/accelerators worldwide; Psychological/Systems Consultant for an international cyber investigation company to Fortune 100 and federal law enforcement; Distinguished Special Advisor to an international university-level academy; trainer/consultant/researcher on the ability behind history's greatest thinkers which he consults/trains entities on across countries, industries, and languages using highly-engaging workshops of intense, invasive, and deceptively simple drills (composed of what he calls “The System of Interconnectivity” and “Psychological Strategy”) to cultivate Agents-of-Change who can then force step-change across all landscapes, regardless of their backgrounds or goals. Note: Many videos are "raw" in nature, not created to be fancy or professional-grade, some are low-level in edit quality, and some are older. However, the message is the focus in all current and future videos, not fancy videography, and will forever remain valid and immediately applicable.



地方から日本を変えよう! コロナ禍と言われてきたこの3年半以上 あなたは何を感じましたか? この3年半を 決して風化させたくないという 同じ想いの仲間が全国から 兵庫県加古川の地に集結しました。 今こそ目覚めるとき 私たちの生活に 複合的な禍をもたらした 「コロナ禍」 各専門家や様々なサポートを 続けてこられた方々からの メッセージをぜひ受け取ってください そして、日本の明るい未来へ向けて 考えましょう 再考しましょう 地方から日本を変えましょう! 素人が撮影しています。見苦しい点、聞き苦しい点がありますが、よろしくお願いします

I'm BreakingThin: Keto & Carnivore Changed My Life!


At the age of 9 or 10 I was overweight. At 14 I weighed 242lbs. (I'm only 5'6" so this was HUGE). I failed at dozens of diets throughout my life. Like so many other, I would lose weight and then gain back everything I lost plus some. A number of years ago I finally reached my max weight of 264lbs. Fortunately, I finally discovered the problem wasn't me, it was the bad diet advice we've been given for decades. Eat less and move more, is just WRONG! This along with the other piece of bad advice, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, whole grain, low fat dairy, low fat meat; again this is just WRONG! When I found Keto and Carnivore it seemed so strange, because it was just the opposite of everything I'd ever been told. Well guess' what it WORKED! Not only have I lost nearly 100lbs, I'm in the best shape I've been in for over 3 decades. I eat until I'm full, I eat when I'm hungry, and I eat foods I LOVE! And if I can do it, SO CAN YOU!



DOWNLOAD my regularly updated ZON FILE + The FXZone Templates from the first two fxzone videos. This folder contains my newest CSI zon.+ The Compressor FXZone files, shown in these videos: This NEW channel, began in November 2020 and will build a library of videos containing many aspects of reaper use/modification, NOT mixing techniques etc, this will be focused on "workflow" - hotkeys/contextual toolbars/fast mix navigation/modifying/ programming reaper - Mouse/keyboard/midi.csi - can all be combined to make a fast, usable workflow!! Quickly implement your most complex or persistent commands - either via hotkeys, mid controllers, CSI controllers, or the mouse. Making mixing the focus and adding easy "moves" to speed the whole process up :)