Call Of Duty


Call of Duty: World War Saga Step into the harrowing theaters of World War II, where heroes are forged in the crucible of battle. Relive the defining moments of history, from the storming of Normandy’s beaches to the crumbling Reichstag. This series brings the epic scale and gritty realism of the Second World War to life with unparalleled intensity. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Series Welcome to the modern battlefield, where covert operations, high-tech weaponry, and the blurred lines of war create a gripping narrative. Experience the chaos of contemporary warfare, where elite soldiers face off against rogue states and shadowy organizations in a bid to maintain global peace. Call of Duty: Black Ops Series Dive deep into the clandestine world of Black Ops, where secrets and conspiracies are the order of the day. From the Cold War's darkest corners to futuristic battlegrounds, this series melds historical intrigue with cutting-edge combat, offering a rollercoaster ride through the shadowy side of global conflict. Call of Duty: Ghosts Enter a world where the balance of power has been shattered. Follow an elite group known as the Ghosts as they rise from the ashes of devastation to fight a new, covert war. This series combines stealth, strategy, and heart-pounding action in a fight for survival and redemption. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Step into the future of combat, where exoskeletons, advanced weaponry, and augmented soldiers redefine the battlefield. Led by the visionary but ruthless Jonathan Irons, players navigate a world where military technology is both a boon and a bane, changing the very nature of war. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Journey beyond the confines of Earth and into the vastness of space. Infinite Warfare propels you into a futuristic war where humanity's last stand against a relentless enemy unfolds across the solar system. Experience space combat, zero-gravity environments, and an epic story of survival.