Rev. Brandon Warr


Pastor, Father, Musician, Lutheran. On this Channel, I make fun of Bad Theology. I can be a little crass. My goal is to shock the unbiblical into thinking. Brainlets need not apply. Politics are discuss sometimes. Church History is referenced. Church Fathers are quoted often. Anyone who is against Liturgy and the Orthodox historic practices of the Church Catholic will be given over to the corn. The Lutheran Church IS the Western Catholic Church. Papists and Forest Hobos will soil their pants.

The nomadic life in the mountain. An story about a brave woman


Welcome to our YouTube channel! We're thrilled to have you here. This mother, whose remarkable story unfolds in the video, embodies unwavering strength and resilience in the face of adversity. With immense determination, she left her home to protect her children from a challenging family situation, exemplifying the profound sacrifices mothers make for their offspring. Her ability to transform hardships into opportunities is a testament to her unwavering love and devotion to providing a better future for her children, making her a truly inspirational figure deserving of admiration and respect.

False Graves Podcast


Bringing light back to the world, Live Wednesdays at 6:30. Cricket Surprise at 1,000 Subs. Life / Comedy / Advice / News / Witty Banter / Philosophy / Politics / Religion Are you Tired? Depressed? Too Serious and Uptight? Chronically Poor? Lonely? Just All Around Dead Inside? This podcast, Via Comedy, Satire, and Actual Wisdom aims to unburden you from all the weight you've accumulated in this world. To bring you back to the light, to your inner child, to lighten the weight of life. To Beat the Spirit of death and the Institutions that facilitate it. The world wants your mind bound. Bound to anything that supports the fear of death. The world is afraid of death which is why it always needs more, more Power, more Control, more Security, all your time and attention dedicated to things that weaken you. Which is why you must be "childlike" Playful, Non-Serious, Careless of Death. "Enter the Flow State, Master the Light." Together will beat The Great Lie: "Death is Real"