1 Follower

Funny jokes and great times. I love to create funny jokes by adding my own one-of-a-kind savvy value and awesome voice to the origin that tells the tale and modify it into a great funny joke. All Jokes voiced by myself of course lol to create the one-of-a-kind and inspiring content. A display of voiceover technique and voice classification, creating jokes by adding notable unique explanation to the images, that also tell a tale fulfilled by editing.So sit back, chill and flick through a collection of laughable jokes. Wisecracking and Uproariousness, Little Johnny Jokes, One liner jokes, and more entertainment. So you know what to do….Please like, share and SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!

Aussie and World News and Politics Verified

1 Follower

With the world in chaos and communities destroyed by people with different beliefs, the Main Stream Media worldwide are supplying false and misleading information, leaving those that only follow the "NEWS" not getting the truth. Within The Aussie Logician Community, we share our thoughts and opinions on both local Aussie and World News and Politics. We discuss what we consider is the truth and why we believe so. We discuss what sources we have used to gain the knowledge and how the MSM have changed the information to suit the different narratives. All are welcome so long as you follow the Community Guidelines. It is ok to have a difference in opinion; however, it is not ok to bully, abuse, or intimidate to push your position. Welcome and Enjoy. Cheers, Lee The Aussie Logician

NASA Updates

1 Follower

The goal of NASA is to pave the way for future space exploration, scientific advancement, and aeronautical research. To accomplish that, tens of thousands of people have been working globally and in space for more than 50 years, attempting to provide answers to certain fundamental concerns. What is in outer space? How do we travel there? What will we discover? What can we learn there—or what can we learn simply by attempting to get there—that will improve our quality of life back on Earth?