The Political Professor


I created the Political Professor aiming to bring some edge to the often plain and boring political news by stimulating my audience to raise questions and to read what's been kept between the lines. To do so, I will produce accurate and sometimes entertaining videos, giving you information while presenting updated facts with accurate data, charts, and the opinion of well-known experts. The idea of a two-party system has divided us and closed our hearts and minds to a collective of free people with good ideas. Passionate loyalty to political parties often fuels the horrid enormities of vengefulness, dissension, and repression. Government cannot solve problems better than the collective thinking of a nation, and the private sector has always been more efficient and superior in nearly every facet. We need government but, do we need them involved in our personal lives, making policies that hurt us only to benefit themselves? Using deception and fear to get what they want? Subscribe, stay informed, and as always, stay free.


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Content Creator 😎 🇵🇸| Quality video 📸 | YouTuber | TikToker | Vlogger 🚵| Influencer Gaza, Palestine 🇩🇿🇵🇸 "Welcome to Mr Fennec🦊! 🚀 Subscribe for a unique blend of unboxing, riding, and the vibrant atmosphere of Strasbourg! From unboxing unique items to navigating the city's streets, my channel offers a blend of unboxing experiences and urban exploration. Explore with me as I share the joy of discovering new products. the thrill of the open road, and the convenience of eco-friendly e-bike deliveries. So get ready and Enjoy the ride KEEP RISING.....


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L'anno 2020 segnerà la storia dell'umanità, sempre se l'umanità avrà ancora una storia. Questo canale nasce per combattere la "Nuova Dittatura" raccogliendo più possibile le informazioni, prove, verità e menzogne riguardante l'epocale INGANNO a livello MONDIALE messo in atto delle più grandi menti criminale che la storia ha mai conosciuto, cioè... I Massoni del "NUOVO ORDINE MONDIALE". Nella speranza che il popolo del pianeta prenda coscienza delle verità sul fatto che questi Massoni vogliono sterminare una gran parte degli umani e schiavizzare il restante... nelle frattempo... noi... combattiamo per svegliare le menti più spente e se sarà necessario... combatteremo con le armi.. per difendere la nostra libertà e la salvezza del pianeta e dell'umanità liberi da OPPRESSORI.