::: ALVIN ASSISTENZA COMPUTER - NOVARA ::: ASSISTENZA E RIPARAZIONI COMPUTER Mi chiamo Gianluca, Sono di Novara Eseguo Installazioni, Riparazioni e Assistenza Computer dal Desktop a Notebook/Netbook Con Salvataggio Dati e Posta Elettronica, nella tutela della privacy. Dalla Formattazione al prodotto finito e pronto all'uso ... Inoltre Faccio Assemblaggio Computer Personalizzati secondo le vostre esigenze; dal normale Computer al PC Gaming con spesa molto contenuta. Per chi fosse interessato .. Preventivi Gratuiti N.B.: Posso sistemare anche Computer Datati purchè funzionanti ... Non esitate a contattarmi: Per Info & Contatti: Email: assistenza.alvin@gmail.com WEB: http://alvinassistenza.blogspot.com by ALVIN ASSISTENZA © -----------------------------------------------------------------

Alvin Plantinga's Epistemology


Some things can be known without relying on evidence from other things we know. Those are the properly basic beliefs (PBBs). All evidence has to come from somewhere, and PBBs are where it comes from. Not just any belief can be a PBB. It has to be one we can know in some way other than through evidence from other things we know. And — surprise! — Alvin Plantinga thinks belief in G-d can be a PBB. But how do we know which things can be in the category of PBBs? Plantinga borrows from Roderick Chisholm‘s advice for figuring out something like this: First, make a nice list of beliefs we know fit into a particular category of beliefs; next, carefully look at the beliefs in that list to figure out a criterion for beliefs in that category; finally, use that criterion to see whatever other beliefs might fit into that category. Plantinga gets his list of PPBs from common-sense beliefs, drawing from Thomas Reid. Then there’s some inductive logic to get to the criterion. (Hint: It involves properly functioning faculties!) And then there’s an explanation of why Plantinga thinks Christian belief meets that criterion. It took Plantinga more than three decades and well over a thousand pages to do all this. But he eventually did it, and it’s some pretty awesome philosophy.

Saving Our Children


What is happening to our children that the deep state attempts to hide from the world? What they are doing is so nefarious, it will shock the world; however, this is the one fact that will unite the entire world. We The People throughout the world will demand justice for our children. It was never about the elections; IT IS ABOUT SAVING OUR CHILDREN. It was never about the hypocrisy and lies from our politicians; many of them are guilty of ignoring or involved with the wickedness (underground tunnels in the White House). It was always about the spiritual war of good versus evil. Why does the fake news downplay or never talk about child sex trafficking? Why are celebrities like Will Ferrell (Saturay Night Live) making fun of and mocking this wickedness? The conspiracy theory regarding the billions of dollars made, that outweighs ten-fold the billions made in drug trafficking, is collected from the deep state worldwide child sex trafficking ring. It is TRUE! The babies and children who are kidnapped, who disappear with no trace, are used at their satanic and pedophilia disgusting pleasure; slave labor; breeding for more babies to abuse; torture; enslave or sacrifice; and organ harvesting, plus for their addiction to the drug adrenechrome (harvested from the horribly tortured children's (adrenalized to make it more potent) blood. Digital Warriors and Q Anons have been fighting for years to wake the world to what the deep state criminal syndicate has and is doing to our children. Regrettably and sadly this truth is revealed in this channel. These films contain the horrific atrocities, which was and has been done to our children for centuries. Be warned...some of these videos are terribly graphic and sickening, but they show the undeniable truth. Pray first and be prepared to endure the evidence, as to the sickening satanic evidence. Why can we never find a trace of them when they go missing? Pray for those who are rescuing the children from their slavery; they are very courageous and many have sacrificed their lives, under extreme danger in the rescue operations. Where does the deep state cabal take the children? Could they be hidden in underground tunnels (DUMBS)? Why did the milk cartons showing missing children disappear? Why were there toys and mattresses found under a Zionist (Khazarian Mafia) Jewish Temple in New York, and it was quickly sealed up? Why was the US military trained for underground operations (Newsweek)? Pray and pray again and again for our children. Pray that God will call people to help our children when they come home. Stay vigilant Patriots. Keep the faith. Be at peace, because the Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on Gab: https://gab.com/JudyRivers #NCSWIS #WWG1WGA #Q #ANON