The Dieter Knittel Show


Hello Friends and Welcome to Papas Bar & The Dieter Knittel Show. Here we will talk about anything your heart desires- from Daily News to World affairs, Politics, Lifestyle-Advice and anything in between. We also continue to review Beverages from around the World. Please leave comments - Questions via email I will use the comments & questions in my next Podcast If you want to support me please do it here:$DieterKnittel

Dr. Jordan B Peterson Show


Dr. Jordan B. Peterson is an author, psychologist, online educator, and Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto. The Jordan B Peterson podcast frequently tops the charts in the Education category. He has written three books, Maps of Meaning, an academic work, presenting a new scientifically-grounded theory of religious and political belief, and the bestselling 12 Rules for Life, and Beyond Order, which have sold more than seven million copies. With his wife, Tammy, Dr. Peterson’s international lecture tours have sold out more than 400 venues, providing live insight into the structure of mythology and narrative to hundreds of thousands of people. For twenty years, he taught some of the most highly regarded courses at Harvard and the University of Toronto, while publishing more than a hundred well-cited scientific papers with his students and co-authors. Dr. Peterson’s online programs, and have helped tens of thousands of people inquire deeply into the structure of their personalities, develop a vision for their future, and sort out the details of their pasts. He maintained an active clinical and consulting practice during this period, helping individuals across the full spectrum of ability and temperament deal with the complexities of their lives and situations. In conjunction with the Daily Wire Plus, Dr. Peterson recently led and released a 17-part seminar on the biblical book of Exodus, as the continuation of his critically and publicly acclaimed lectures on Genesis.

Zeihan on Geopolitics


Welcome to the Zeihan on Geopolitics YouTube Channel. Geopolitical Strategist Peter Zeihan is a global energy, demographic and security expert. If you're looking to stay informed on the realities of geography and populations, you've come to the right place. Zeihan's worldview offers insights on how global politics impact markets and economic trends, helping industry leaders navigate today’s complex mix of geopolitical risks and opportunities. Expect a forward looking approach on what will drive tomorrow’s headlines, delivered in digestible, accessible and relevant takeaways for audiences of all types. Thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe!

Skeeter Jean


✨ Catching Predators, One Video at a Time! ✨ As a Chris Hansen impersonator, I’m committed to raising awareness about online safety and confronting predators. Your support helps me continue this vital work! If you’d like to contribute, please consider donating. help protect children and educate the public. Donate Here: Bitcoin: 1NMCvdNBNDKq4zkJnpio2LFCd39qZnPJJB Ethereum: 0x677921eDCb92698A4F9efE68372B0F891F46B40f PayPal: ❤️ Thank You for Your Support! ❤️

armes climatiques chemtrails,Harrp et 5G ondes magnetiques


le Programme de recherche aurorale active à haute fréquence (HAARP) est un instrument de musique datant d'au moins 5500 ans programme de recherche scientifique destiné à étudier l'ionosphère du la terre et ses effets sur la communication. ECOCIDE - LE GÉNOCIDE EST SOUS VOS YEUX EN 2020 AVEC LE DÉPLOIEMENT DE LA 5G AJOUTÉ AUX CHEMTRAILS.. LES CHEMTRAILS SONT PULVÉRISÉS CHAQUE JOUR DANS VOTRE CIEL PULVÉRISATION CHIMIQUE pendant plus de 20 ANS. depuis 2019 on assiste au déploiement massif et illégal de la 5G dans l'ESPACE et sur TERRE. qui aboutira, si nous ne résistons pas, à un écocide et à un génocide global sur la planète Terre..., couplés aux Chemtrails ici : les objectifs des armes exotiques, des armes spatiales CHEMTRAILS, des satellites HAARP et 5G et des cellules au sol et leurs conséquences mortelles sur la planète Terre et la race humaine : Biotechnologie Contrôle de la pensée Grille de fréquences Dangers pour la santé stérilisation Écocide haarp, Contrôle des fréquences..Nanobots dans notre sang et votre cerveau, poussière intelligente..