

Revelation 22:17, KJV ‭17‭ ‭And‭ the Spirit‭ and‭ the bride‭ say‭‭, Come‭‭. And‭ let him that heareth‭‭ say‭‭, Come‭‭. And‭ let him that is athirst‭‭ come‭‭. And‭ whosoever will‭‭, let him take‭‭ the water‭ of life‭ freely‭.‭ Join us @ the Bride Of Christ Discord server: or Follow us @ YouTube: Follow us @ Rumble: Follow us @ BitChute: Follow us @ Facebook: Follow us @ www: E-mail:

The Awakened Hybrd


Hey folks! This is a community I wanted to put together to help other like-minded spiritually awakened hybrids to converge. As I progress further with my newfound esoteric knowledge and spiritual awareness, I will be sharing as I go. You can also signup for my newsletter on my website at: Thanks for joining and allowing me to share my spiritual journey with y'all! Remember to increase your consciousness and let your love light shine!

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