Did you know

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Embark on a fascinating journey into the intricate world of human behavior. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the complexities that shape our thoughts, emotions, and actions. From the interplay of nature and nurture to the profound impact of society and culture, we unravel the mysteries of why we behave the way we do. Join us as we navigate the realms of psychology, sociology, and anthropology to gain profound insights into the rich tapestry of human behavior. Discover the factors that drive motivation, the power of emotions, and the importance of cognitive processes, all of which contribute to the intricate mosaic of our actions. Whether you're a student of psychology, a curious mind, or someone seeking to better understand yourself and others, this journey will provide valuable perspectives on the fascinating world of human behavior.

O Sequestro do Voo 375

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Era manhã do dia 29 de setembro de 1988, quando um boeing 737-300 foi sequestrado. O avião fazia a rota Porto Velho – Rio de Janeiro e cumpria o último trecho da viagem, entre Belo Horizonte e Rio. O sequestrador, Raimundo Nonato, conseguiu embarcar com um revólver e 100 balas, invadiu a cabine, matou a tiros o co-piloto Salvador Evangelista e feriu outros dois outros tripulantes. Seu objetivo: jogar o avião no Palácio do Planalto e matar o então presidente, José Sarney. O piloto era o comandante Fernando Murilo de Lima e Silva, que com calma, controle e manobras acrobáticas, até então impensáveis de se fazer em um boeing, salvou aquelas pessoas. A história do que aconteceu no ar, seu desfecho em terra e os mistérios que envolvem os motivos de Raimundo Nonato são o tema desse podcast. Jogar um avião sobre um prédio do governo. O que isso te lembra? Se os Estados Unidos tivessem prestado mais atenção ao que aconteceu aqui em 1988, com certeza, o ataque de 11 de setembro poderia ter sido evitado.

Do good have good

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Welcome to our channel! In this hilarious video, we bring you 100 moments that will have you laughing out loud. From epic fails to amusing pranks, this compilation is sure to keep you entertained. Don't forget to hit that like button if you enjoyed the video and want to see more like it. Join us for a fun-filled adventure and make sure to share with your friends. Let's spread the laughter together! Keywords: Just for fun, comedy, funny moments, epic fails, pranks, laughter, entertainment, hilarious videos. Benefit: This video will guarantee a good time and put a smile on your face. Get ready for some belly laughs and lighthearted entertainment.