HiP2 Helen Live Call-In Show


Call-In 443-601-0773 Anywhere in the U.S. Outside the U.S. use this app and call for free! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.apps.googlevoice Email me: HIP2HELEN@GMAIL.COM Buy one of my shirts 👕 https://hip2-shop.myspreadshop.com/all👕HIP2 Helen the ♒️ Aquarius on the case 🕵‍♀️. My dream is to have a HIP2 Sewing factory (Bring back made in the USA) 🇺🇸 EMAIL: HIP2Helen@gmail.com 📧 #Phone #call-inshow #fun #Hip2Helen #Listening #talk

Natural Living


Natural remedies Substances of claimed medical value derived directly from plants or other natural sources. The view that natural remedies are in some way superior to those developed scientifically is mistaken. Many useful drugs in the pharmacopoeia are derived from natural sources but these have been purified and assayed so that accurate and safe dosage becomes possible. Most readily available and useful natural remedies have been exploited in this way and the search for other useful natural drugs continues. Some natural remedies have been found to be dangerous. Many of those on sale are of little value.

Stoic Living


Welcome to Stoic Living, where we explore the timeless wisdom of Stoicism and how it can transform your everyday life. This channel is dedicated to helping you live with resilience, clarity, and purpose through practical Stoic principles. Whether you're looking to cultivate inner peace, master your emotions, or navigate life’s challenges with a calm and focused mind, we offer actionable insights inspired by the ancient teachings of Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Seneca, and others. Join us on a journey toward self-mastery, as we break down Stoic practices that you can apply daily to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Embrace the Stoic path and learn how to respond, not react, to the world around you! Subscribe for weekly content on Stoicism, mindfulness, and personal growth.

Jesse Jo Martinez Live Channel


Ages: 25/27+. - Description "Jesse Jo Martinez Live Channel". - Jesse Jo Martinez Live - Social Media - Jesse Jo Martinez Live - Schedule See GETTR @jessejomartinez for the latest schedule, news, updates, and blogs. - Jesse Jo TV Jesse Jo TV is the home of the Jesse Jo Martinez Live, JJML Side Quest, JJML Machine-Ema, JJML Game Element, and more livestreams and or shows. Updated: 10/30/2024. - Jesse Jo Martinez Live 2025 JJML 2025 - rumble.com/jessejomartinezlivechannel JJML 2025 Ch2 Facebook [Livestreams] - facebook.com/JJMLCCH22025/ - Jesse Jo Martinez Live 2024 JJML 2024 Part 1 - rumble.com/jessejotv - Mirror #1 JJML 2024 Auxiliary - rumble.com/jessejomartinez - Mirror #1 JJML 2024 Part 2 - youtube.com/@jessejomartinez - Mirror #1 JJML 2024 Auxillary 2 - twitch.tv/meidiev - Mirror #1 JJML Sidequest Channel rumble.com/jjmlsidequestchannel JJML Sidequest Live Channel rumble.com/jjmlsidequestlivechannel *JJML Meidiev Youtube youtube.com/meidiev - Jesse Jo Network https://wraithfamestaff.wixsite.com/jessejonetwork - Tags #jessejomartinez, #jessejo, #jesse, #jessejotv, #jessejomartineztv, #jessemartinez, #jessejomartinezlive, #jessejogaming, #jessejolive Updated: 1/28/2025. Last Update: 10/31/2024.

CheechakoDTE Live Day Trading Group


I embarked on my trading journey with a modest $400, saying if I lose it, that's it—I'm out. Initially, the excitement of the market saw my account swell to $6,800. However, the thrill led me to over-trading, and as I watched my account balance start to fall, I began jumping from strategy to strategy in a desperate attempt to recover my losses. Engaging in revenge trading and letting my psychology fall apart, I ultimately depleted my account to a mere $40. Leveraging my computer-building skills, I sold a few computers and replenished my account to $240. Undeterred by this setback, I dedicated years to honing my skills, mastering the intricacies of the market, and developing a robust trading strategy. The journey was challenging, but I found inspiration and guidance from experienced mentors who emphasized the importance of trading psychology, discipline in trade execution, and treating trading like a business. With newfound knowledge and a refined approach, my trading took a positive turn. My once-depleted account grew steadily, reaching an impressive $30,000. I also explored the world of algorithmic trading, creating a custom bot. Eventually, I discovered proprietary trading firms. While these firms were akin to casinos, they offered great potential for someone like me, who had developed a defined edge and the self-control needed to succeed. With a well-crafted plan, I dove into the world of prop firm trading. As my trading skills flourished, so did my passion for helping others. I began mentoring fellow traders in various Discord servers, finding immense satisfaction in guiding struggling traders toward success. This newfound love for teaching and mentorship inspired me to open my own server, dedicated to helping new and struggling traders achieve their goals. I partnered with my closest friend, who had already made significant gains in trading and shared a passion for teaching and helping others. The long, arduous journey I had endured was finally paying off, not just for me but for the traders I was mentoring. The setbacks and lessons learned along the way became the foundation for a thriving community of traders under my guidance. My story became a testament to resilience, the power of mentorship, and the rewards of perseverance in the ever-challenging world of trading.

Living Your One LIfe


Content to help you live your one life as the best Christian you can. My Study Bible https://amzn.to/47VdzZg Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible https://amzn.to/3YcEJaA My Book on Time Management https://www.amazon.com/Eight-Tips-Managing-Eliminating-Wasters-ebook/dp/B0DFXJGTLM/ref=rvi_d_sccl_2/135-9594554-2883630?pd_rd_w=eaKda&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=Y3YKNBBYABFX5ZJPH2XM&pd_rd_wg=kigkf&pd_rd_r=5c842315-b149-496b-81d7-40d05f7e667f&pd_rd_i=B0DFXJGTLM&psc=1 Donate to me via PayPal https://paypal.me/drstuartjr?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US My Links https://linktr.ee/drstuartjr FTC - Some links are affiliate links. I make a small commission when you purchase something. Thank you for supporting my channel and helping me to grow.

Love To Live Healthy with Josephine Fitzpatrick


Listen to Josephine speak about the positive journey of Loving to Live Healthy. Josephine has thousands of clients all over the world that follow her program and learn to Love to Live Healthy. Josephine is also the proud owner of Innovation Healthy Market of Woobdury NY, with healthy prepared meals and snacks that ship nationwide Each show will give you information on how you can reach your goals in every aspect of your life. It will teach you how to surround yourself with positive thoughts so that you can feel great and be the best you can be everyday. Life is hard - Love to Live Healthy teaches you how to enjoy life even in the most difficult times. Some shows include guest speakers.

Live and Love Asia


Hi! I’m Eric. On my channel, you will find videos about traveling and living in Asia. I love exploring different cultures, cuisines, and landscapes in this amazing continent and sharing my experiences with you. Subscribe to see more travel tips, vlogs, and adventures on your feed! I am currently based in the USA, where I plan to produce some videos about the local culture and attractions. My goal is to share my experiences and insights with my audience, who are interested in learning more about different places in ASIA. After I finish my project in the USA, I will travel to ASIA and continue my video-making journey there. I hope you will enjoy watching my videos and join me in exploring new destinations.

Live Free Industries


Live Free Industries also know as LVFR is a Lifestyle Brand Inspired by America Started in Brooklyn, NY now based out of Austin, TX While nothing in life is free, the one thing most people take for granted is that we as Americans can, are, and will continue to Live Free but not without sacrifice. As the founder of Live Free Industries I wanted to give back to our country and the men and women who to this day sacrifice their lives so that us Americans can continue to Live Free by promoting America! Your interest and passion means the world to me and I thank you for viewing, sharing, and embracing our brand at Live Free Industries and spreading that patriotism around the world!

Prophetic Live Giving Channel Ministry´s - Deutsch


Gottes Stimme zur den Nationen\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nICH BIN NUR EIN DIENSTKNECHT UND DIENE UM DICH IN EINEN LIEBESBEZIEHUNG MIT JESUS ZU BRINGEN UM DICH ZU BINDEN AN SEINEM HERZEN SO DAS DU DEINEN WEG MIT GOTT WANDELN KANNST UM ALL DIE DINGEN ZU TUN WOFÜR ER DICH BERUFEN HAT ZU TUN UND ZU SEIN.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nVERGESSE UNS, VERGESSE MICH, ABER VERGESSE NIEMALS DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE ZU LIEBEN. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nGLAUBE MIR, WIR SIND NICHTS ANDERS ALS HEIßBLÜTIGE LIEBHABER VON UNSER GOTT, DIE DIR DEN WEG ZEIGEN ZUR SEINEM HERZEN UND ZUR SEINEM KÖNIGREICH UND NICHT DEN WEG ZUR EINEN VERSAMMLUNG, ODER EINEN PASTOR, EINEN PROPHET ODER EINEN APOSTEL ODER WAS FÜR EINEN DIENST DAN AUCH. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nJA WIR KOMMEN ALS VÄTER UND WIR WERDEN DICH LIEBEN WIE EINEN WAHRHAFTIGE VATER. BEI ZEITEN WIRST DU EINEN ZÜCHTIGUNG BEKOMMEN WENN DU UNS EINEN VATER FÜR EUCH SEIN LÄSST, ABER MIT TRÄNEN IN HERZEN UND IN UNSER AUGEN TRAINIEREN UND ERZIEHEN WIR DICH DAMIT DU EINS WIRST MIT DEN LIEBHABER DEINER SEELE. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nNiemals soll irgendeinen Dienstknecht über dich herrschen, über deine Wille hinweg bestimmen was gut für dich ist. Es gibt nur einer die deine Herr und Meister ist und das ist der Liebhaber deiner Seele, Jesus! (Jeshua) Sei gesegnet und geliebt durch den Vater, den Sohn und der Heiliger Geist und Wandel mit Gott den allerhöchste, den Schöpfer deiner Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIch bin dein Dienstknecht, Apostel Prophet Johannes John und ich diene dir mit alles was mein Vater mir gegeben hat dir zu überreichen damit du gedeihst und stark wirst in das kennen und tun von Gottes Wille für dein Leben, für dein Herz, für deine Seele. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\nIn Gottes Dienst und in Seiner Auftrag: