

The WriterDojo is different than most other writing advice podcasts out there- our primary purpose is to cut through all the bad advice and help you tell stories that people want to read (& get you paid in the process.) This is advice on becoming a Professional Writer from two very knowledgeable Professional Writers- Steve Diamond & Larry Correia. Readers will find plenty of interesting tidbits as well and may come away with new insights into what goes into creating the stories they love and a new appreciation for writing of all sorts.

The Front Line with Joe and Joe


The Frontline with Joe and Joe is a fearless cultural commentary born from America\'s kitchen table. From the perspective of the everyday man, the Frontline tackles a broad array of topics, which transcends plain vanilla “politics as usual”. Not afraid to take sides while making for strange bedfellows, the conversation between two “Average Joes” is everything but average. Providing both intellectual stimulation and a gut punch, the dialogue leaves its mark. Across the Barrios of the Bronx to the Cornfields of the Heartland, the Frontline with Joe and Joe reaches into the soul of America and extends a hand to all.