SkyTour LiveStream


Welcome to SkyTour LiveStream (STLS)! STLS is a network of several live educational outreach observatories broadcasting on clear nights. All the images taken are available completely free of charge on our live server given in the description of the nightly stream. Come see oddities, objects and more! Discussion is lively and chat is truly interactive. The intent of STLS is to bring you on an educational and enjoyable tour of the night sky and bring deep sky objects onto your TV and computer screens LIVE from deep space! Additionally you can get our book discussing prospects for alien life called "The Populated Universe" , available on Amazon. Still want more? Join us on Sunday nights from 6-8PM ET for the companion show SkyTour Radio on KGRADB, this channel, and on Facebook for a live TV version of our radio show. See you in the dark! Team SkyTour

The Grotto of the Apocalypse Verified


This live streaming scence of a Marian grotto originates in Tampa, Florida, USA. The live stream includes audio from which, is normally just birds, but may sometimes include power tools & lawn mowers, 1st responder vehicles, thunder, aircraft & music as the grotto is located in an urban area. Mute or turn-down your volume if such noises are distracting during meditating/prayer. Please consider supporting our modest online apostelate. God's peace

My Investigation


Q: Why did i Commence the documentary? A: Around January/Feburary 2020 I saw an article on the news stating the Australian Government was in talks with Youtube to remove anything that included 5G and Corona virus - which I thought was strange. I never saw any reference to the subject again in the Media. Then clips saved in my Youtube folder started to be removed that had no reference to 5G, but instead conspiratorial based themes surrounding George Soros, possibly funding South American people to appear to walk to the USA. The suggestion was that this was a set-up photoshoot. I was also lucky enough to be introduced to the issues with the PCR test early on. It was clear that there was something wrong so I started saving clips.



🔴 ISABEL CUERVO-PERIODISTA INVESTIGATIVA, PREMIO EMMY 2015 EN LA CATEGORIA DE PREOCUPACION SOCIAL. 🔴 ISABEL CUERVO es la periodista que se atrevió a desafiar al magnate financiero George Soros, cuando en 2018 sacó al aire su famoso reportaje investigativo "George Soros y su incidencia en Latinoamérica"; cinco meses después fue calificada de antisemita por el potentado millonario, quien exigió respuestas del medio de noticias USAGM. Isabel Cuervo terminó siendo censurada, amordazada, acosada y despedida, por la misma cadena de TV del gobierno de los EE.UU. para la que trabajaba (USAGM-TV Martí), quien también la sometió a investigación federal. Ahora Isabel ha comenzado a revelar todos los nombres, instituciones e intereses ocultos conectados con Soros, tras su caso de evidente censura a la libre expresión y a la libertad de prensa, en el país de las libertades civiles.

Michael Jackson Death Hoax Investigators Verified


For my other channels and socials check: MJDHI is a Michael Jackson death hoax investigation community. It was never set up as a fan based channel, but one in which people are invited to forensically examine the obviously strange and discordant events of June 25th and beyond. We try to remain as dispassionate as we can in order to unravel a series of events which are leading to an examination of what was ever true in Michael's world.

Chris Invests


Hi, my name is Chris and this is my channel! I aim to provide people with free knowledge about money. If you're interested in how to earn more money, how to manage debt, how to make more passive income, stock market investing, real estate investing and other personal finance topics, subscribe to the channel. The videos are animated by me in the form of whiteboard animation to make (possibly confusing) topics easy to comprehend and more entertaining. I conduct extensive research for the production of each video which is then compiled into a written script. The narration is then done by me personally and the animation is also done by me using the whiteboard animation software, VideoScribe. Each image is individually selected and timed to sync with the narration. In other words, each video is completely original--written, narrated and animated by me personally. The utmost effort and creativity are personally put into each video so make sure to hit the like button if they're helpful!

Дневни анализи и Вести за крипто проекти


На оваа Play-листа погледнете ги најновите вести и анализи во Крипто Секторот. За Вас, ги агрегираме и одвојуваме најбитните вести и случувања од Крипто секторот и ги обработуваме напоредно со сите светски економски и правни случувања со цел да ви дадеме целосна слика на моменталната пазарна ситуација. Сватете го овој сегмент како фундаментална анализа на пазарите преку обработка на најновите вести... Сето она што е објавено на нашиот канал е од исклучиво едукационен карактер. Ве повикуваме да оставите ваш коментар со мислење околу нашите содржини и да ни помогнете да го унапредиме нашиот нов канал. Секоја ваша помош со ставање на Like на нашите видеа, субскрипција на нашиот канал како и споделување на овие материјали помага во распространување на оваа незастапена наука во Македонија па и пошироко, за што сме ви однапред благодарни. Помогнете ни да пораснеме како канал за да можеме ние да помогнеме на многумина во нашата земја на кои им се потребни овие едукативни материјали. Ви благодариме за соработката и се надеваме уживате во нашите материјали. Со почит - Крипто Гемиџија #криптогемиџија #cryptogemidzija @криптогемиџија @cryptogemidzija

Investor Financing Podcast


Everything a real estate investing professional needs to know about financing real estate projects, from ground-up construction to rehabs and improvements. We cover all types of commercial and residential financing. We interview real estate investors & lenders to learn all of the options available. We cover fix and flip loans, SBA 504 and SBA 7(a) loans, HUD financing, multifamily lending, C-PACE loans, DSCR financing, short-term rental financing, BRRRR method, franchise financing, and all sorts of business funding from startups to established businesses. I'd love to answer all your questions about real estate investing! Go here to ask: