

For product reviews please contact me by email: (! ATTENTION ! I HAVE NO managers and other email !!!) ******************************* Вейпинг (вейп, парение) - это не безопасно! Необходимо и важно знать, что никотин вызывает привыкание и не предназначен для тех, кому меньше 18-ти лет. Устройство из обзора ТОЛЬКО для тех, кто уже курит или потребляет другие никотиновые продукты. Всё что сказано мною, является сугубо моим мнением и не является призывом к действиям! Я человек и мне свойственно ошибаться! Я открыт к сотрудничеству, ваши предложения отправляйте мне на email: Я не являюсь продавцом или заинтересованным лицом. Мои обзоры являются честными и непредвзятыми. На моем канале не приветствуется нецензурная брань, обсуждение других людей, обсуждение религиозных принадлежностей и разжигание межнациональных споров. За несоблюдение этих правил последует блокировка вашей персоны на моем канале!

Gary Vapes


My name is Gary, and this is my channel Gary Vapes! I am a vaping enthusiast from the UK. I upload my DIY mixing and review videos every Friday where I try out some of the most popular DIY e liquid recipes online. I Also upload regular video reviews each week on loads of stuff like e liquids, mods, tanks, RDA's and i even upload the odd DIY build or vaping experiment video! This channel is all about spreading the word on vaping and its benefits to smoking and to be a place where people can come share their thoughts and experiences too. It’s not just about what I think! the idea is everyone has their say and then the viewer can make their mind up from all the comments and the video! Well, I hope you joint us here @garyvapes and if you do ill speak to you soon! Want me to review your product? Contact me at:

Windvale's Music by the Fiechters


This beautiful music channel features fantasy music, spooky music, magical music, medieval music, study music, and music for writing as well as other music genres. Here's our email if you want to contact us about any business request or anything else. MUSIC IDEAS FOR DIFFERENT DAYS * MYSTERY SUNDAYS - Any genre of music ADVENTURE MONDAYS - Vote on the poll and choose somewhere to explore SEASONAL TUESDAYS - Follow the season. Currently in ❄️ CHAMELEON WEDNESDAYS - Magical, Gothic and Medieval music for now, though it will change. CAMPAIGN THURSDAYS - Go on a campaign for 6-8 weeks FANTASY FRIDAYS - Elves, fairies, and other fantasy creatures. Also includes magical music. SPOOKY SATURDAYS - Dark mystery music, spooky music, and other types of creepy music * Holidays may change the type of music posted #fantasy #dream #music #spooky #magical #relaxing #soothing #writing ~ All the music on this channel is copyrighted by Brandon Fiechter & Derek Fiechter ~

Little Bro Vapes Reviews


Welcome to LITTLE BRO VAPES REVIEWS A lot of people ask where my name comes from I'm the little brother of mark (soulohm reviews) hence little bro vapes. I started my vaping journey in 2006 with a cigalike e-cig a bought from a garage. I vaped and dual used up until I had a mini-stroke in 2016, A part of my recovery was to stop smoking totally which I did. I started casting on LAST OF THE SUMMER VAPES with my brother and adam (retro vape tv) In October 2016 and then started my reviewing channel in January 2017. I still love my live casting you can check me out on the UK's biggest vape show THE UK VAPE SHOW also THREE MEN AND A VAPE SHOW and on a Sunday THE SUPER AWESOME VAPE SHOW. I also put out 3 to 4 reviews of different parts of the vaping world from vaping accessories to mech mods and starter kits and everything in between all with that hint of Yorkshire humour. I hope you join me on this journey which is LITTLE BRO VAPES REVIEWS.

Vapers Brazil


Canal sobre cigarro eletrônico ou e-cig ou vapes e seus afins, como: Atomizadores , MODs, RDA, RTA, Drippers, e-juice, e-liquids, baterias 18650, coils, tanks, sub ohms, coils SS316, clapton wire, Ni200 wire and coils, Ti coils, Kanthal, Nickel, Titanium Atomizer, Ceramic cell, Stainless Steel. Resolvi criar este canal pela dificuldade em achar informações sobre o assunto, principalmente em português. Sou formado em eletrônica e fui fumante durante mais de 20 anos. Por estes dois motivos acabei me interessando pelo assunto e mexo com ele desde 2007, quando os E-cigs foram lançados nos Estados Unidos. Não se esqueça de se inscrever no Canal !!! Obrigado. ▶ Facebook: ▶ Twitter:http s:// ▶ Instagram :