Touching the heart with Father William Pfeiffer


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📀Consciousness: 20 Scientists Explore the Toughest Question (2003) - Archive

6 Followers Disc 1 1- Dr. Stuart hameroff, M.D. 2- David Chalmers, Ph.D. 3- Nancy J. Woolf, Ph.D. 4- W. Britton, U.A. Tucson Disc 2 1- Dick Bierman, Ph.D. 2- Jack A. Tuszynski, Ph.D. 3- Dr. Andrew Newberg 4- Chester Wildey. M.Sc. Disc 3 1- Paavo Pylkkanen, Ph.D. 2- Dean Radin, Ph.D. 3- Tony Bell, Ph.D. 4- C. Seiter, U. Freiburg Disc 4 1- Dr. Steven Sevush 2- Dr. Petra Stoerig, Ph.D. 3- Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. 4- Susan Blackmore 5- Professor Youngman Disc 5 1- V. Ramachandran, Ph.D. 2- Gregg Rosenberg, Ph.D. 3- Ellery Lanier, Ph.D. 4- Adele Engel Behar 5- Lee Frank, Poet