Big Ideas, Small Business with Doreen Milano Verified


Discover the hidden revenue in your business today and turn it into massive profits. I'll show you how I generate new sales & opportunities without spending a single additional dollar on marketing or advertising. Big Ideas, Small Business TV with Doreen Milano was created for your business growth and culture development. To be a guest or sponsor on the Big Ideas, Small Business with Doreen Milano podcast or upcoming TV episodes, contact or 650-483-5798 TODAY.

SmallBoreOutlaw Disc Golf


Disc golf news media, historical highlights & bloopers. This channel does not do live coverage and doesn't intend to. Most of the content found on this channel (highlights, bloopers, historic moments etc.) is several years old. The intent is to "resurrect" these clips and snippets to the new generation of disc golfers and newer viewers, and present them with the original FULL round coverage or video links. This ensures promotion of the disc golfers, the disc golf media/production channels, and other sources. All original sources of the disc golf news or highlights that I cover always have been and always will be listed in my video descriptions for direct links to their channels.---Here is where you will find a little of everything interesting... enjoy and please consider subscribing to the channel as well as the linked channels and sources! For contact purposes-

Sacramento Rural @ NCS51


New California State is a new state forming from existing California. New California State Citizens are exercising our God Given Rights as declared in the 1776 United States Declaration of Independence and as ratified in the 1789 United States Constitution under Article IV Section 3 and Section 4. The Great State of New California is Non-Partisan. We are a 501(c)(4) Non-profit educational organization, we inform the public about the U.S. Constitution and the process of forming a new state from an existing one, constitutionally! To learn more about New California State, visit the website: To join the M-F, 6:00 to 9:00 am. AENN Live Rumble Channel with Pro Tempore Governor, Paul Preston; who offers the latest updates about our statehood status, riveting interviews, examines breaking stories, news, events, and the upcoming election. Visit: For questions or to volunteer at our local Sacramento County Rural level, email us at: Remember to join our channel and always hit the Thumbs Up on all our videos to help give us exposure! 👇🏼Check out our other Social Media sites 👇🏼

Making Tech Easy For Small Business


We approach IT and web services work from a holistic point of view. At Ask Charly Leetham, we believe that technology is an enabler that aids business success -- technology does not determine the direction of the business. We specialise in connecting disparate systems and provide full service for any business seeking to create, grow and manage their online presence. Our aim is to provide a technology solution that allows a Business a level of autonomy in maintaining and updating their online presences whilst still being cost effective. Charly has over 30 years experience in IT, is a WordPress Expert and is committed to helping Small Business Owners become more tech literate. Join us on Locals and support us: