"Welcome to [Channel Name], your dedicated destination for insightful and enriching Islamic content. Immerse yourself in a world of spiritual enlightenment, knowledge, and inspiration as we bring you a diverse range of programs that cater to every aspect of Islamic life. From religious teachings and Quranic recitations to discussions on Islamic history, culture, and contemporary issues, our channel is committed to fostering a deeper understanding of the principles of Islam. Join us on a journey of faith, education, and community as we strive to provide content that uplifts the soul and promotes a greater connection to the teachings of Islam. Subscribe now to embark on a meaningful exploration of our faith and culture."

The Universal Religion of Truth


This channel is in operation for the sole purpose of bringing the attention of the world to Lord Holy-Apostle Deen Saleem, The Messenger Prophet of The Lord Most High. The Lord Most High has Given him Its New Book for mankind and Its New Name of Ahezaah (formerly Allah or Allaah). The Holy Messenger has free literature available at: Also, The Latest Holy Covenant in Book form from The Lord can be accessed at: https:// Please feel free to enjoy the shows and free materials before further investing in acquiring The New Covenant and Its forerunning book. The Messenger passed on in 2012 but The Works Delivered through him lives on.



This is the YouTube channel for Islamic Naat Studio Label. Its channel for preproduced best types Naat, Hamds, Qawwali in Music Category As a lyrical videos. ISLAMIC Naat Studio is the owner of all the content uploaded on this channel. Right are reserved with ISLAMIC NAAT STUDIO, copying and duplicating of this track is strictly prohibited. INS always endeavor to deliver quality music as a YouTube category at all times and are proud to have produced music which has been enjoyed not only by the Asians throughout the World but also by the non-Asian audience. OUR CONTENT OF CELEBRATIES:- Hafiz Tahir Qadri, Owais Raza Qadri, Amjad Sabri, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Zohaib Ali Ashrafi, Hafiz Ahmed Raza Qadri, Rahat Fateh Ali. If You want and Listen this beautiful Islamic Content Plzzz.... SUBSCRIBE, LIKE, COMMENT AND SHARE our Channel. OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL LINK:-👇

Red Pill Your Religion


You probably already know about all of the many, many, lies that your government and governments around the world have already told us and I assume that you are now one of the many people that are now part of the great awakening that is happening now around the planet and that you are now discovering that many lies have been disguised as truths. They use lies described as truth to carry out their many heinous, vile and murderous crimes against humanity. This has been going on for thousands of years, this is what they have always done to create power and control over the people for themselves and their families. Did you know that the governments and wealthy influencers have also been controlling and changing the Word of our creator and therefore twisting our perception of what His will for us really is and how to carry it out exactly? This is how we got here today in where the few most evil satanic families on the planet are tyrannical dictators and by large are able to control us like we are their cattle, constantly planning ways to control us and kill us off around the planet by their own design. And Ha Shatan loves their plan. They have told us in my view the most heinous lie of all, that we should not use His true Name and that it is wrong to use His name and so they gave Him a new Roman Greek name and then began to stuff many lies for truths into this new name and the masses went for it. I fell for it for thirty years. But to be fair, these lies started to be fabricated over 2000 years ago. That is why some of us now feel overwhelmed by the number of lies that we are now discovering that are not in fact the truth. For the last 3 years I have been reading Hebrew transliterated versions of the scriptures. On this channel I will read from either The Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version, The Scriptures 2009 or The Cepher. I do prefer the Besorah Of Yahusha Natsarim Version (BYNV) as it has done a more thorough job I believe in removing badly transliterated words that change and alter the contextual meanings and then replacing them with the correct Hebrew transliterations which is restoring truth, better comprehension and removing lies.

Bad At My Religion Podcast

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In a world full of beautiful spirituality, why do so many people struggle to live their faith -no matter what it is- authentically? Join host Josh Galt as he interviews religious and philosophical leaders from around the globe to explore the core principles of their beliefs and how individuals can reconnect with their faith in today’s society. It’s important to note, the B.A.M.R. podcast is NOT an attack on religion—it’s a search for solutions, uncovering practical ways to live a more meaningful, spiritually grounded life. --- Josh Galt is a former extreme athlete who has traveled to more than 70 countries, seeking to understand the people and belief systems in every region he has visited and lived in. After being raised by Christian missionaries and having incredibly profound experiences as a child in Africa, Asia, and Eastern Europe along with Native American reservations, he left the faith as an adult and spent decades seeking to understand God in every corner of the planet….and universe!