Funny Pets, Holistic Living, Tarot


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Dream Believe Realize Network


The goal of our team is to provide a network of like-minded individuals in the pursuit of their own definition of Success. Some see it as being debt free, flexibility to travel. Some see it as purchasing a home, having an investment portfolio or retirement fund. Some see it as having money for their children’s schooling or time to attend family events. How you define success is based on You, your needs and your dreams. We believe regardless of your age or financial needs that we all want to live life to its fullest, to make a difference, to provide something meaningful for our family, to be part of something that matters and to be our best self. We want to make a difference and help you live the successful life you imagined. Dream – Believe – Realize℠

Author, Holistic Health Coach & Herbalist


Get empowered to live a happier, healthier, and more vibrant life, using holistic and ancient healing truths that support your body, mind, and spirit, without any bullcrap or nonsense. Through connection, infused with humor and knowledge, internationally renowned health coach, Andrea Beaman, shares wellness truths to help you make more confident choices for your body, and your health. Since 1999 Andrea has been teaching people how to reconnect to their inner wisdom, and live happily and healthfully. Get ready to get educated, entertained, and empowered about your health. Start your healing process right now by downloading your free Food and Herbs as Medicine Guide at For more information visit

Vocea Creștinilor


Vocea Creștinilor este o Asociație Media Creștină care are ca scop producerea, editarea, promovarea și distribuirea de materiale scrise, (literatură) audio și video de promovare a valorilor și principiilor creștine, organizarea de acțiuni menite să promoveze valorile și principiile creștine. Prin platforma Vocea Creștinilor dorim să aducem voci din lumea creștină (pastori, evangheliști, învățători biblici, misionari) care să proclame, să învețe și să promoveze Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu și valorile creștine. Donația ta ne ajută să mergem mai departe, ducând proiectele pe care le-am început să fie în continuare o binecuvântare pentru tine: dialoguri, interviuri, știri, articole, motivaționale, anunțuri, etc. Platforma Youtube, Aplicațiile, Radio Online, Website, Vocea TV si Social Media, sunt canale prin care putem răspândi Vestea Bună! Îți mulțumim pentru implicarea ta! Dumnezeu să îți răsplătească! Ciprian Luca

Rv American Dream


Our current time in history provides opportunities not available at any other time. While owning the house with the white picket fence we realized it wasn\\\'t our American Dream. Every time we returned from a trip we reflected on our happiness in those new experiences. Both my wife and I work remote which meant we didn\\\'t need to be any where specific. We decided to buy and RV and start our new dream, our RVAmericanDream. On our fourth year, this has been an amazing adventure for our family. Come along for the ride. We love meeting new people, talking travel, homeschool and whatever is on you mind.