Crime world investigation


Welcome to Crime Investigation Channel! 🔍 Explore the world of crime investigation with us! 🕵️‍♂️🔬 Join our team of detectives and forensic experts as we uncover real-life mysteries, analyze evidence, and reveal the truth behind fascinating cases. From cold cases to thrilling true crime stories, we bring you the latest in investigative techniques and breakthroughs in criminal justice. Subscribe for exclusive interviews, gripping reenactments, and in-depth analyses that shed light on the psychology and tactics involved in solving crimes. Uncover the truth with us! Subscribe now! #CrimeInvestigation #TrueCrime

Law, Political Science and Theology. Jesus Christ Reigns! Brazil above all!


It is a channel managed by the lawyer passionate about Human Sciences Dr. Hianco Amorim de São Pedro, which addresses important themes in Law, Political Science and Theology. In addition to having a law degree from Faculdade Batista Brasileira and a post-graduate degree in Criminal Sciences from Dom Petrun, I started the undergraduate course in Social Sciences at the State University of Bahia, which I am very happy about because I am always motivated to learn and share everything intellectual content with Brazilian society. Contato: e

Criminal Chronicles History

1 Follower

Welcome to Criminal Chronicles! Dive into the dark and intriguing world of crime with our channel, where history's most notorious criminals and their cases come to life. From infamous heists and notorious serial killers to unsolved mysteries and groundbreaking legal battles, we explore the stories that have shaped the criminal justice system and captured public fascination. Join us for detailed investigations, expert analyses, and gripping narratives that reveal the complex, often chilling truths behind history’s most compelling crimes. Whether you're a true crime enthusiast or just curious about the darker side of history, Criminal Chronicles offers a deep, immersive look into the world of crime.



當今社會,我們無法回避真實犯罪所帶來的衝擊和啟示。作為一名心理諮詢師,我將在YouTube上開設一個頻道,探討真實犯罪案件背後的心理學原理和深層次影響。 我深信,通過了解罪犯的心理和行為模式,我們可以更好地預防犯罪、保護自己和社會。我的頻道不僅僅是對案件的描述,更是對罪犯心理的解析和犯罪行為的分析,從中汲取智慧、提升警惕。 我將以專業的心理學視角,深入剖析案件背後的動機、心理機制和行為模式,幫助觀眾更好地理解犯罪現象,並從中汲取警示和啟示。無論您是對犯罪心理學感興趣的學生、心理學愛好者,還是普通市民,我都希望我的頻道能夠為您提供有價值的觀點和見解。 讓我們一起走進真實犯罪的世界,用心理學的眼光探索案件背後的真相,為構建更安全、更和諧的社會貢獻一份力量。期待您的加入和支持!

criminal psychological analysis


In today's society, we cannot avoid the impact and revelations brought about by real crime. As a psychological counselor, I am launching a channel on YouTube to explore the psychological principles and profound effects behind real crime cases. I firmly believe that by understanding the psychology and behavioral patterns of criminals, we can better prevent crime, protect ourselves, and society. My channel is not just about describing cases; it's about analyzing the psychology of criminals and dissecting criminal behavior to gain wisdom and increase vigilance. I will delve into the motives, psychological mechanisms, and behavioral patterns behind cases from a professional psychological perspective, helping viewers better understand the phenomenon of crime and draw warnings and insights from it. Whether you're a student interested in criminal psychology, a psychology enthusiast, or an ordinary citizen, I hope my channel can provide you with valuable perspectives and insights. Let's step into the world of real crime together, exploring the truth behind cases through the lens of psychology, and contributing to the creation of a safer and more harmonious society. I look forward to your participation and support!

Kriminelle psychologische Analyse


In der heutigen Gesellschaft können wir die Auswirkungen und Enthüllungen echter Verbrechen nicht vermeiden. Als psychologischer Berater starte ich einen Kanal auf YouTube, um die psychologischen Prinzipien und tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen hinter echten Kriminalfällen zu erkunden. Ich bin fest davon überzeugt, dass wir durch das Verständnis der Psychologie und Verhaltensmuster von Kriminellen Verbrechen besser verhindern, uns selbst und die Gesellschaft schützen können. Mein Kanal beschränkt sich nicht nur auf die Beschreibung von Fällen; es geht darum, die Psychologie von Kriminellen zu analysieren und kriminelles Verhalten zu zerlegen, um Weisheit zu gewinnen und die Wachsamkeit zu erhöhen. Ich werde aus einer professionellen psychologischen Perspektive auf die Motive, psychologischen Mechanismen und Verhaltensmuster hinter den Fällen eingehen und den Zuschauern helfen, das Phänomen des Verbrechens besser zu verstehen und daraus Warnungen und Erkenntnisse zu ziehen. Egal, ob Sie ein Student sind, der sich für Kriminalpsychologie interessiert, ein Psychologie-Enthusiast oder ein gewöhnlicher Bürger, ich hoffe, dass mein Kanal Ihnen wertvolle Perspektiven und Einblicke bieten kann. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam in die Welt echter Verbrechen eintauchen, die Wahrheit hinter den Fällen durch die Brille der Psychologie erkunden und dazu beitragen, eine sicherere und harmonischere Gesellschaft zu schaffen. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Teilnahme und Unterstützung!

Análise Psicológica Criminal


Como conselheiro psicológico, estou lançando um canal no YouTube onde explorarei em profundidade os princípios psicológicos por trás de casos criminais reais. Ao analisar os perfis psicológicos dos criminosos, espero ajudar meus espectadores a entender melhor os fenômenos criminais e oferecer conselhos práticos de prevenção e proteção. Seja você um estudante, profissional ou simples espectador interessado, oferecerei insights envolventes e conhecimentos valiosos. Vamos mergulhar juntos na psicologia dos crimes reais e trabalhar para construir uma sociedade mais segura!


