The Bare Naked Truth


Fighting the New World Order's plan to subjugate humanity and enslave the planet for their own evil desires. The Illuminati, Jesuits, and many other secret societies have controlled our reality for far too long. It's time to take the planet back and make if for the people once again! FOLLOW ME ON TELEGRAM: CHECK OUT MY PREPPING, HOMESTEADING & SELF-DEFENSE BLOG: SHOP MY STORE: LEARN REALITY BASED SELF-DEFENSE SKILLS: BEST PREPPING SUPPLIES ON THE MARKET:

Beautiful & Fun America


Susan Payne is the imaginative author behind "The Adventures of Salsbury Squirrel," a delightful children's book designed to make learning fun. Inspired by her love of nature and fascination with the charming critters that inhabit it, Susan created Salsbury and his friends to teach children important life lessons in an engaging and entertaining way. Susan blends adventure, humor, and heart, encouraging young readers to explore the world around them while fostering values like kindness, curiosity, and responsibility. Her mission is to create a world where learning feels like an exciting adventure and where children are inspired to discover the joys of nature and friendship. You can join Susan and Salsbury on their journey by visiting her website or following her on social media for updates, new releases, and fun activities! The Adventures of Salsbury Squirrel is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle format. Grab your copy today and bring the magic of Salsbury into your home! When Susan is not writing, she enjoys exploring the Missouri Ozarks, observing and filming wildlife, farm animals, country roads, hiking trails, lakes, streams and special events. Click on the playlists to watch her beautiful and fun music videos.

Unnamed Adventurers Guild (UAG)


Our goal is to make this a friendly place for people of all ages to hangout. And while we want to foster the principles of open, and free dialogue, we will not tolerate anyone using them to abuse the purpose of the group: to Discuss and Enjoy Unnamed Adventurers Guild Games and the Guild. A place in AIREWOOD to record relevant information pertaining to the series. Also feel free to share stories and even engage in some In Character RP chats if you wish! A place to have fun and grow your creativity thru your character.