Il Nuovo Mondo


Een verzameling van publicaties op (sociale) media die betrekking hebben op de New World Order (NWO). \nTe gebruiken als naslagwerk, informatievoorziening maar ook eventueel voor discussies. \nPuur informatief waarbij de leden zelf moeten bepalen wat ze met de gedeelde informatie doen. \nOnderwerpen die aan bod komen: De Cabal, De Elite, Illuminati, Deep State, Q-Anon, NWO, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, Big Brother, Corona, Covid-19 Virus, 5G, Pizzagate, Complot Theorieën, Main Stream News e.d. Nodig nieuwe leden uit mits ze echt interesse hebben in deze onderwerpen en delen van onze publicaties wordt gewaardeerd. \nDon\\\'t believe what I post, research what I post!

Diamond of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ


Diamond of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ – is an international volunteer project, to popularise Islam all over the world! This project is implemented by Muslims themselves for the good of Islam. This is an open platform for all Muslims, to tell the world about true Islam. The project provides the world community with truthful information about the realities of Islam through the voices of Muslims themselves (both clerics and ordinary Muslims). Verily, this project is a project of all Muslims! And every Muslim who is not indifferent to the destiny of Islam can become a part of this process, inshallah pleasing to Allah Almighty! Dear brothers and sisters! If you would like to participate in the Diamond of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) project, if you are inspired to freely share the beauty and depth of Islam with the world, if you have questions, ideas or suggestions for the development of the project of all Muslims, please email us at: