Michael Monk


Michael Monk's journey began in 1999 when he spontaneously received communication from the voice of God followed by experiences of reality bending miracles through prayer. Customize channel Manage videos Website Description Michael Monk's journey began in 1999 when he spontaneously received communication from the voice of God followed by experiences of reality bending miracles through prayer. Seeking to understand the miracles he experienced, he was led to the arts of spiritual energy mastery. Guided by the Holy Spirit Michael quickly obtained a very high level of conscious understanding and demonstrable abilities. He created the Avatar Energy Mastery Institute in 2011, an online school where thousands of people from all over the world have been able to successfully study and train in the arts of energy work. In 2019, he was withdrawn entirely from public presence and focused on healing himself and integration of the new knowledge he was being exposed to. Now in 2023 he has returned and created the Metaphysical Church of the Tree of Life, a free to join online spiritual community where Michael shares his latest teachings. He has also once again made the Avatar Energy Mastery Institute available.