Jinju Paints


Welcome! My name is Jinju, and I'm making my first steps into a hobby I longed for quite some time now: resin figure painting. Later, I'd like to try printing 3D models too. I'm not in a position to have this as a full-time occupation, nor have I the finances to support this quite expensive hobby, nevertheless, I hope you'll stick around for occasional videos and learn together with me! If you're more experienced in figure painting, please take your time to comment suggestions how I can improve my skills! Thank you!

Relaxing Farm Fresh Ninja Fruit Cutting (Oddly Satisfying Fruit Ninja) 🥝🥥 #Shorts #fruit


Oddly satisfying videos that will relax you before sleep.Videos for stress relief and relax. Want to relieve your stress and fall asleep? Watch this amazing and oddly satisfying compilation that's guaranteed to calm you down! watching this type of videos before sleep its will help you to relax deeply...Can a fruits cutting videos make you relax or slime videos can? You can watch different kind of satisfying videos from all over the countries.Watch and Relax better for deep sleep.Watching satisfying videos can help you for a better and deep sleep and also these videos can help you to calm down your tensions... Don't forget to like and subscribe for more oddly satisfying videos! ---------------------------------- Relaxing Farm Fresh Ninja Fruit Cutting (Oddly Satisfying Fruit Ninja) 🥝🥥 #Shorts #fruit

Ninja 250 Motorcycle Maintenance


Kawasaki Heavy Industries made the "fourth generation" Ninja 250 for five years in the United States (2008-2012) before replacing it with the very similar Ninja 300 (2013-2017), which was then replaced with the Ninja 400 (2018-present). This channel is devoted to providing a visual aid for do-it-yourself enthusiasts who want to attempt maintenance, repair, or learn about places to find the best deals on OEM parts, tools, and everything related to a 2011 Ninja 250.