Censorship IS Mind Control


Curating censored, suppressed, and need to know information, from where ever i find it, on any and all topics i find it on. HELP ME SPREAD THE TRUTH. Please watch my ENTIRE back catalogue I only {98%} post the MOST important urgent vids people need to see, and they ALL are heavily censored, and hard to find. sometimes i post multiple times a week, sometime nothing, it depends om what i come across. i spent 16+ hrs a day for 18 month to wake up, after a personal tragedy left me searching for answers-sadly nothing else would have woken me up. That was in 2015. Day by day our situation deteriorates, and will until the masses awaken. THIS CHANNEL IS MY ATTEMPT AT THAT, and i do it with love, and in the hope all people can live in peace, freedom, and happiness. None of which is possible unless you understand whats going on. So please help me shhare this info to Create a better world FOR ALL OF HUMANITY, without the UN, WEF, Gates, Schwab, Thw US gov, and simular groups. We dont need them, they goal isnt to help us anyway. stop falling for the divide and conquer agendas, sure there are assholes out there, there always will be, but black, brown, white, yellow, green, gay, straight, or whatever, 99% have the same goals, to live in peace, the be left alone, and to own your future. Thats why they prefer we fight,

Holistic Health Harmonies: Nourishing Body, Mind, & Soul


Welcome to "Holistic Health Harmonies," a sanctuary where your journey to wellness is nurtured and celebrated. With nearly four decades of expertise in healthcare, I, a seasoned nurse, nutritionist, and holistic practitioner, dive deep into the realms of weight loss, autoimmune support, thyroid health, and digestive harmony. Our channel is dedicated to empowering you with the knowledge and tools needed to transform your health from the inside out. Here, we explore the art and science of holistic health, offering personalized health education and consulting designed to unlock your body's potential. From evidence-based nutrition strategies to integrative wellness practices, each piece of content is crafted to guide you towards achieving a body you love and a life filled with vitality. Join us as we embark on this journey together, sharing insights, inspiring stories, and practical tips to help you live in harmony with your health goals. Whether you're seeking to manage an autoimmune condition, improve your digestive health, or simply embrace a more balanced lifestyle, "Holistic Health Harmonies" is your ally in wellness.

Quest for Happiness


The primary purpose of this channel is to share uplifting content with my fellow humans. I cannot say for certain why I desire to see others find happiness. Perhaps my own happiness is predicated upon helping others find contentment and wellbeing in life. Suffice it to say that I have always done so, like a bee making honey. Perhaps, in this cruel world, helping others to find peace and contentment is the greatest personal fulfillment we may find. Perhaps, it is the pathway forward to our own sense of purpose and meaning in life. If you are reading this, although we have probably never met, know that I sincerely desire for you to find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in your life. What a miraculous experience we share, in this strange mortal realm, on a tiny planet, in a vast cosmos! At times, it is almost too much to fathom, too much to bear, but I am grateful that I am not alone in my existential angst and turmoil. I am happy to know that I can share this experience with you.

Albert Einstein was 100% wrong; The human mind does conceive the four dimensions.


In short, I believe I have built a model of Albert Einstein’s four dimensions and the math that goes with it. Please just watch this video: Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla four dimensions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By-w1NQVNHU https://youtu.be/s2KSN69s_yY https://youtu.be/JSZnz3kovkY I have attached additional photos and links. If I am wrong, please say so. This are Freemason symbols. The six-pointed star (Jewish Star of David) is mathematically E = Mc² = 2πR = 2π/6; Dia. = 1, Cir. = 3 = π [Einstein\\\'s Law of General Relativity and 1st Dimension in Positive Infinity]. The 5-pointed star is 2π/5 (pentagram) or 2π/5 = 2π/6 = 2πR = E = Mc². The swastika is considered sacred in the native American’s Zia Pueblo, as it represents the father of their people. Almost all organized religions have the same sacred geometry/math. Caverna da Pedra Pintada (Painted Rock Cave (in Portuguese)), is an archaeological site in northern Brazil, with evidence of human presence dating ca. 11,200 years ago. On the wall of one cave there is a perfect 6-pointed star. Please prove my video is wrong.



"Welcome to the Absent-Minded Affiliate Program channel! 🤝 Join us as we explore the world of affiliate marketing through the unique lens of absent-mindedness. Here, we'll share tips, tricks, and hilarious anecdotes about navigating the affiliate landscape while occasionally forgetting where we left our keys. Whether you're a seasoned affiliate marketer or just starting out, our content will entertain and educate you on the art of promoting products while keeping a scatterbrain in check. Subscribe and embark on this amusing affiliate journey with us!"

Critical Minds Building (C.M.B)


Welcome to CMB, a channel dedicated to providing a unique perspective on current events, music, sports, stocks, and culture within the black community. We strive to create engaging and thought-provoking content to start conversations and ignite change. Whether you’re a hip-hop fan, a sneakerhead, a music manager, or a community advocate, you’ll find something to enjoy here. Join us on our journey as we explore the world through a critical lens. Speaking on #clubhouse - https://bit.ly/3Qy0vOY www.newjackcitycmb.com #news #politics #hiphop #fashion #popculture #currentaffairs #NYC #ATL #CHICAGO #MIAMI #LA #clubhouse #trending #stayinformed #todayinhistory #music #culture #breakingnews #trending #breakingnews #knowledge #socialjustice #staywoke

Gang stalking Mind control Beast system End Times


Gang stalking - Electronic harassment - V2K - Electromagnetic weapons - Sonic weapons - Spiritual warfare - Gaslighting - PSYOPS - Street theatre - Weaponised psychiatry - Whistleblowers - Pedogate - Silencing the victims. Materials in PL and EN. Wstęp do tematyki zorganizowanego nękania [ang. gang stalking, electronic harassment] przez dużą grupę oprawców, z zastosowaniem najnowszych technologii oraz internetu, włamań do telefonów, komputerów oraz z wykorzystaniem portali społecznościowych, funkcji algorytmów "sztucznej inteligencji" [ang. Artificial Intelligence], obsługujących całą sieć. W momencie, w którym osoba zostaje wprowadzona do systemu, przez jakiegokolwiek psychopatę, który dysponuje tego typu technologiami lub zna innych, zajmujących się nękaniem, zostaje uruchomiony system osaczania ofiary w całej przestrzeni internetowej - konta bankowe, poczty e-mail, portale społecznościowe, wyświetlanie odpowiednich reklam w sieci. Dochodzi do tego również nękanie bezpośrednie przez dużą grupę zatrudnionych do tego "aktorów" i informatorów.

Teachings on the Laws of Mind - Flip Your World Your Way


Throughout time and space we have been left nuggets to help guide us in our journey of life. This - all of it - is about Humanity and humanity is made up of individuals. The story of Science is just another way of telling the story in the Bible - the story of Humanity and in turn each one of us individually. It\'s so big you can\'t see it - you are in the thick of it. Cutting down the trees to see the forest. This is all a mind game. Learn the Principles behind it all and make it As You Wish. They were called Followers of the Way. There is only one way - yours! Come learn all about it - if you dare.

Free Your Mind with Pegg7344 Verified


This channel focuses on the various aspects within Self-Help. From Addiction to Anger Management to PTSD, I use my background in Cognitive Behavior techniques in helping the addicted, but instead of accepting the status quo, I'm questioning their conclusions. For example, who said nicotine was addicting? Would I behave differently, if I believed it wasn't? It won't matter the topic. The false narratives are everywhere. How have they trapped you? Free Your Mind!

The Curious Mind Unleashed


Welcome to The Curious Mind Unleashed, where we dive deep into the mysteries of the universe and explore the questions that keep you up at night. Join us as we investigate mind-bending topics like the law of attraction, the nature of reality, and the inner workings of the human body. Prepare to have your mind blown and your curiosity ignited! "Follow now to join our quest for answers!" "Click the notification bell to be alerted when we unlock new mysteries." "Share this video with fellow curious minds and let's unravel the universe's secrets together!" "Leave a comment below with your burning questions—we might just investigate them in our next video!"