I am going on an Adventure


Lumber River Canoe Club lumberrivercanoeclub@groups.io The Lumber River Canoe Club was created in 1982 so that canoeists and kayakers could share their enjoyment of the Lumber River and other area rivers. We are located in southeastern North Carolina. We meet on the second Tuesday of every second month to schedule floats and other activities. The schedule will be posted on this page. Members may also post messages and photos of general interest to paddlers.

Kayak USA


My name is T.J. and I'm an Outdoor enthusiast, I Love Hunting, Fishing, Kayaking, Camping, Overlanding and building cool stuff! I love to make kayak D.I.Y. videos and outdoor gear review videos. If you like Kayaking, Fishing, Camping, Hunting or just being outside then you are in the right place!! Come along with me as I go on new kayaking and camping adventures across the U.S. Thanks for watching and God Bless !! For all business inquiries or if you want me to review your products, Email me at - kayakusa311@gmail.com Mystery Tackle Box link: https://gokarls.com/kayakusa Help me build my channel! SUBSCRIBE and SHARE



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