They show it very competently, in detail, from different angles and emphasize all the key points.


Aikido in Training. Vol 1 – Taijutsu • Ikkyo (1st Teaching) • Nikyo (2nd Teaching) • Sankyo (3rd Teaching) • Yonkyo (4th Teaching) • Gokyo (5th Teaching) Aikido in Training. Vol 2 – Taijutsu • Shiho-Nage (4 Corner Throw) • Kotegaeshi (Wrist Turn) • Kaiten-Nage (Rotary Throw) • Tenchi-Nage (Heaven-Earth Throw) • Kokyu-Nage (Breath Throw) Aikido in Training. Vol 3 – Taijutsu • Koshi-Nage (Hip Throw) • Irimi-Nage (Entering Throw) • Sumi-Otoshi (Corner Drop) • Aiki-Nage (Aiki Throw) • Tanto-Tori (Knife-Taking) Aikido in Training. Lost Techniques • Aiki-Otoshi • Men-Nage • Ganseki-Otoshi • Hiji-Waza (Osae, Nage, Kime ) • Ude-Garame • Juji-Garame

Jijo and Lincy Artlife


Believers ✝ | 90's kids🚴🏻‍♂️ | Artists🎥 I had been working as an IT professional for full time since 2006. So I didn't have enough time to get in touch with my inborn talents. Then to keep me little bit engaged with art and creativity, I started a YouTube channel named "Kidzzle" on 2019. That time I was able to do very few content, as I was busy at office. But things changed, on 2020, when I started working from home. I got more free time, so changed the channel name to "ArtLife with JiJO" and started more segments. The next year, my wife, Lincy began to feature her artworks in the channel. Hence the channel is now "Jijo and Lincy ArtLife".

Table Size Productions

1 Follower

"You love you, and Stalin and table size." -Google Translate 2017 Hello comrade! Welcome to Table Size Productions! This channel is dedicated to delivering semi-comedic (mostly) family friendly random content because frankly I'm stupid and have no clue how to structure a channel. Generic description text, generic description text, and more generic description text. You can find me on Steam @ (Note that if you want to add me please clarify in my profile's comment section that you want to friend me because of my channel as I tend to get random friend requests and I don't tend to accept those.)

"Pint-sized Playland: Peppy Pals, Playful Rhymes & Cartoon Capers"

1 Follower

"Step into the enchanting world of 'Pint-sized Playland,' where our Peppy Pals bring Playful Rhymes and Cartoon Capers to life! 🌈🎶 Join us for a magical journey filled with laughter, learning, and the charm of nursery rhymes. Our playful videos are designed to captivate young minds, making education a joyful adventure. Subscribe now for a world of smiles and giggles that your little ones will adore! ✨👶 #PlayfulRhymes #CartoonCapers #KidsEntertainment"#GoodMorningRhymes #KidFriendlySunrise #NurseryRhymes #BrightStart #SunriseSerenade #CheerfulMelodies #AnimatedMorning #PositiveVibes #EducationalEntertainment #JoyfulDayAhead #RiseAndShine #KidsMusic #MagicalMornings #EarlyLearningFun #SunshineRhymes #HappyDayStarts #ChildrensEntertainment #RhymeAndShine #MorningMagic #KidsJoy #AnimatedSunrise #FamilyFriendly #StartWithSmiles #DayBeginnings #SunriseAdventures #HappyMelodies #KidApprovedMornings #RhymeTime #SunriseSpectacle 🌅🎶🌞