Another Boring Topic


We are three friends with a shared love of reading and researching various topics that may seem boring, but have fascinating stories. If you like deep dives into obscure topics, or easy-to-understand overviews of complicated topics, you just might find something here that interests you. Due to the fact that we work full time jobs and have families, our uploading schedule tends to be sporadic. However, we do our best to make the waits worthwhile. We also have a free substack for additional show notes or random articles. to subscribe. We do have a Twitter account for occasional channel announcements.

Just Another Juxtaposed Jessa


Wife, mother, content creator, with a couple of very specific types of insanity.\nI stream games on DLive:\n\nI post videos about my day to day life as a mother and wife, shit post, some commentary on the world at large, spooky stuff on Rumble:\nOdysee:\nI have a youtube channel I will no longer be using but will leave up for past videos:\nDiscord:

eBay clothing reseller since 2018


Top rated Reseller of anything that makes me a profit on eBay and Mercari. I started this journey of reselling in 2019 things started off slow but I was making head way and sales. Then I planned on scaling up the business in 2020 then everything got locked down ( you know why) so I kinda slowed down too. But in late 2020 I sold everything including my home, and all my eBay inventory and moved to a new state. Join me as I build my reselling business from 0 to Full-time. I'm a part time reseller that picks yard sales, dream deals, and Goodwill's to buy under valued goods to resell on eBay and Mercari. Come along with me as I try to make my side hustle my main hustle! Thanks for watching!