

The ET Newsroom provides a platform for Experiencers of things ET/alien/space family to be shared without judgement. ETN Interviews with Experiencers and Researchers linked to related fields, as well as developing projects - documentaries, new material such as the Experiencer album, EKLECTIA, featuring artists, interviews and sound bites with the X-factor. ETN publishes its own material, the first book called 44-Based on an ex-soldier's true story of life long contact and abduction...and more

Prophet News


Prophet.News is a news service reporting on prophetic words, visions, and conversations from prophetic voices around the world. “Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.” Amos 3:7 DISCLAIMER: Prophet News does not endorse or give credibility to any prophetic word or vision from any prophetic ministry or person. We simply report what is being heard and said. Individuals should evaluate and determine for themselves the veracity and accuracy of such materials. Many interpretations are subjective and personal in nature, and as such, are each individual’s personal responsibility to prayerfully consider and evaluate. Any commentary given regarding any prophetic word, vision, etc. should be viewed solely as the personal opinion of the commentator and not as any legal, financial, or professional advice. We will report. You prayerfully decide.