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O 🔐MundoProibido é um canal dedicado à investigação e divulgação de temas relacionados aos grandes mistérios da humanidade e curiosidades de maneira inteligente. Tratamos sobre arqueologia proibida, filosofia, doutrinas, religião, saúde, espiritualidade. É direcionado voltado a todos aqueles buscadores que não se conformam com versões apenas oficiais da realidade e se atrevem a explorar caminhos alternativos questionando o que foi estabelecido. Por isso, te convido a descobrir os mistérios mais surpreendentes que nos rodeiam, de forma clara e aberta, suscitando uma reflexão e curiosidade sobre o mundo mágico onde vivemos e o nosso papel decisivo no universo



Hey musicionaries! Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by! This channel is designed to help you, the Teenage Worship Leader, get going on your journey and avoid the pitfalls many leaders face. If you just got started, or have even been doing it for a while you might have some questions about leading worship, or pastoring your worship team. I am here to help answer those questions with the help of the Bible, my own experience, and the experience of other worshipers. There are SO MANY things that can and probably will go wrong along your journey, but there ways to avoid some of them (Although you might have to learn some things by trial and error yourself😉). But YOU are my # 1 priority this year, and the years to come. If you have ANY questions, shoot me a message via email, DM, comments, or any other ways you can find to message me. So make sure you subscribe. Comment if you have any questions, and I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'ll do my best to answer them. I hope you have a good day, and remember to keep rockin!