Kies Dries


Al veel te lang wordt het audiovisuele medialandschap gedomineerd door een verstikkend links narratief. Televisie- en productiemaatschappijen brengen de diversiteit die leeft in onze maatschappij niet in beeld, integendeel. Daar zal vanaf nu verandering in komen via dit nieuwe, rechtse mediakanaal. Elke week brengen we een jonge, frisse en rechtse analyse op wat er in Vlaanderen en in de wereld gebeurt. Vrij en ongebonden. Kies Dries zal elke week te zien zijn op Rumble, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, Bitchute en Gab.

Hot Try on Fation || Dezi Figen


HOT new looks with exciting try-on hauls. From stylish outfits to bold fashion choices, we’re here to give you honest reviews and plenty of outfit inspo. TRY On Hauls || Dezi Figen Whether you're shopping for a night out, a casual day look, or something in-between, we’ve got something for every style and occasion. Join us as we try on and style the hottest pieces from your favorite brands, and get tips on how to rock each look. Don’t forget to subscribe for fresh hauls, trend updates, and tons of fashion fun! #TryOnHaul #FashionTrends #HotLooks #OutfitInspo #StyleTips

At Least We Tried It


We sample and review new food products you can find at your local supermarket! 🛒🍽️ Are you the type of person who loves exploring the grocery store aisles, searching for the latest and tastiest treats? If so, you're in the right place! As a budget-conscious family, we love trying new foods as long and they don't break the bank, provide enjoyment. We will provide our honest AND personal opinion and a detailed description on the foods we sample so that you can make a sound decision weather to try it or pass. We drop a shorts video at least once per month. Leave a comment if you want me to post more often and suggest a new food I should try.