Official page of Wilbur Ministries
197 FollowersWilbur Ministries is a faith-based ministry that is mandated to travel the world to share the message of Messiah and the One New Man to every generation. We do this through worship events, conferences, seminars, and outreaches in Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia, the United States, Canada, and the utmost parts of the earth.
188 Followersstartreknewvoyages
174 FollowersConquer Aging Or Die Trying!
167 FollowersOn this channel you'll find videos that are related to optimal health, fitness, aging, lifespan, and my (Michael Lustgarten, Ph.D.) data-driven attempts to biohack all of it. With that in mind, my goal is to live longer than everyone that has ever lived. To do that, I'll need to science the sh** out of aging!
167 FollowersClick the link to explore and get yours now :
Healing for the AGES (Private Channel)
165 - NOD offiziell Tagesschau
157 FollowersVölkerverständigung kann nur über die bedingungslose Erfüllung der höchsten völkerrechtlichen Rechtsnorm „Potsdamer Abkommen“ - die Entnazifizierung, Entmilitarisierung und Entsatanisierung von Deutschland verwirklicht werden! Alles andere ist nur Selbst-Betrug! Das Potsdamer Abkommen („Mitteilung der Drei-Mächte Konferenz“) ist das völkerrechtlich-verbindliche Vertragsdokument zur Beendigung des bis heute nicht beendeten „Zweiten Weltkrieges“! Im Teil II und Teil III des Potsdamer Abkommens wurden die Deutschen zur völkerrechtlichen Beendigung des Kriegszustandes in die Selbstverantwortung genommen. Für eine dauerhafte, künftige internationale Friedensordnung und Stabilität wurden politische Grundsätze der Eine dauerhafter, wahrer Welt-Frieden, echte Völkerfreundschaft und friedensfördernde Entnazifizierung und Entmilitarisierung festgelegt. Zu gegebener Zeit soll eine Regierung aus geeigneten Deutschen für den bis dato handlungsunfähigen völkerrechtlichen Staat Deutschland gebildet werden, welche die Friedensverträge zur endgültigen Beendigung des internationalen Kriegszustandes schließt und gemeinsam mit den alliierten Partnern die Entnazifizierung Deutschlands durchführt. Auch im Artikel 139 Grundgesetz für die „Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ wird auf das Fortgelten der völkerrechtlich-verbindlichen Vorschriften zur Entnazifizierung hingewiesen. Nur wer die Vergangenheit kennt, kann die Gegenwart verstehen und die Zukunft positiv gestalten! Unser gemeinsames Anliegen ist es, aus der Vergangenheit zu lernen. Das bedeutet: Fehler nicht zu wiederholen, das Gute zu bewahren, zu vervollkommnen, dass Mensch-Sein zu erkennen und in Gott zu veredeln. Die Befreiung der Deutschen vom Nazismus, Militarismus und Satanismus gemäß dem rechtsverbindlichen, vorrangigen Potsdamer Abkommen bedeutet Heimat und Welt-Frieden, Rückkehr zu natürlich-göttlichen Ordnung und damit eine lebenswert-positive Zukunft für die gesamte Menschheit! Die Verbindung der Menschen zur Mutter Erde und zur göttlichen Natur ist eine unbedingt-notwendige Voraussetzung zur Wiederherstellung der natürlich-göttlichen Ordnung auf dieser Erde. Dies sind die gottgegebenen Aufgaben der Nationalen Befreiungsbewegung Deutschland - MACH MIT! MACHS NACH! MACHS BESSER! WICHTIGE BASIS-INFORMATIONEN! Studieren Sie neben allen anderen Informationen unbedingt die Lösung im Reformprogramm für Deutschland! Die Lösung liegt in der DDR! Unsere deutsche Heimat Die Generallösung für Heimat und Welt-Frieden! Abonnieren sie unseren und bekommen so gesichert immer die aktuellen Informationen zur Befreiung Deutschlands vom Nazismus, Militarismus und Satanismus. Beachten sie auch unsere weiteren Webseiten: ⚠️ Unbedingt auch die weiteren Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten beachten: Telegram: Rüdigers Topinfos Offiziell Chatgruppe: Rüdigers Topinfos Diskussion zur Befreiung! Chatgruppe: Nationale Befreiungsbewegung Deutschland_НОД_offiziell: Impressum: Rechtliche Belehrung zur Dokumentation gegen den Nazismus, Faschismus, Militarismus und Satanismus in Deutschland und Europa; Diese Webpräsenz/ Videokanal dient ausdrücklich der staatsbürgerlichen Aufklärung, der Abwehr verfassungswidriger Bestrebungen, der Kunst oder der Wissenschaft, der Forschung oder der Lehre, der Berichterstattung über Vorgänge des Zeitgeschehens in Deutschland, Europa und international! Verweis Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) § 86 Verbreiten von Propagandamitteln verfassungswidriger und terroristischer Organisationen Weiterlesen Impressum: Weiterlesen:
150 FollowersGuitar music that never goes out of style.
150 FollowersTagesereignis
149 Followersie gerichtet sind, werden wir so zeitnah, wie möglich, konsequent löschen. Neuer Telegram-Kanal von Chris Homann, alternativ zur von FB gelöschten Facebook-Gruppe: Kontakt zur Kanalbetreiberin und Sprecherin über tagesereignis(ät) Kontakt zur Redaktion vom tagesereignis bitte über die Website Allen eine gute Zeit!
144 FollowersReviews on Mod's/ MTL-DTL RTA'S / E-Liquid's / Live UK Vape Show 8PM UK time Saturday's
142 FollowersYoutube Vape Reviewer
The Secret Teachings Of All Ages - Manly P. Hall
137 FollowersTHE SECRET TEACHINGS OF ALL AGES - Manly P. Hall - full esoteric occult audiobook. Like no other book of the twentieth century, Manly P. Hall's legendary The Secret Teachings of All Ages is a codex to the ancient occult and esoteric traditions of the world. Students of hidden wisdom, ancient symbols, and arcane practices treasure Hall's magnum opus above all other works.
127 FollowersUnstoppable Freedom with Jimmy Page
116 FollowersWe're activating a grassroots movement for freedom all across the country.The Unstoppable Freedom Alliance is on the front lines in the fight for freedom and your most deeply held values and beliefs. We’re leading a movement that reignites a passion for freedom, revitalizes the culture, and delivers on the American Promise for generations to come. We’re bringing together a united alliance of leaders and organizations across the country to protect and promote medical, religious, educational, economic and constitutional freedoms. And we’re determined to hand off the most free, just, and prosperous nation in history to future generations. The Unstoppable Freedom Podcast is hosted by President and Founder, Jimmy Page, an 8th generation son of the American Revolution, author and speaker, and Man of God. This podcast amplifies the voice of freedom through prominent leaders and the stories of every-day Americans and activates a take-action movement to win the fight for freedom – one family, one neighborhood, and one community at a time.
Golden Age Entertainment
116 FollowersWhen Entertainment was good.
Time to Reveal The Real Giants Age of Disclosure - Backup Channel
115 FollowersBackup of the Youtube Deleted Channel "Time to Reveal The Real Giants Age of Disclosure"
Emmanuel Isaiah Smith's Rumble page for EIS Media Group and Bible Discourses LLC
108 FollowersThis page offers links to programs, images, videos, and audio offered by EIS Media Group and Bible Discourses LLC.
QFT Messages From The Future
100 FollowersThis Channel is For New and Existing users of the Quantum Frequency Technologies APP
Call of Duty Mobile Fan Page
96 FollowersCall of Duty: Mobile is a free-to-play shooter game developed by TiMi Studio Group and published by Activision for Android and iOS. The game was released on 1 October 2019. It has seen one of the largest mobile game launches in history, generating over US$480 million with 270 million downloads within a year. Call of Duty: Mobile was published in other regions by Garena, Tencent Games, and VNG Games. It reached 500 million downloads by the start of May 2021, making it one of the biggest mobile games in the world. 2019 • TiMi Studio Group
Aquarian Age Rising Updates
96 FollowersDaily Updates for the Light Warriors and Patriots
Conspiracy Music Guru Fan Page
95 FollowersConspiracy Music Guru Fan Page
Aquarian Age Rising
90 FollowersEMPOWERING HUMANITY #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #Truth For those who are consciously choosing to ascend, living life through the the HEART to heal humanity.
89 FollowersFrontPageScott
88 FollowersThe Pages of Time
80 FollowersThe Age of Deceit - Ron Matsen
79 FollowersAll mankind is embroiled in a war that has been raging since the dawn of time where man is both the prize and the pawn in this deadly conflict. For mankind, it all began in the Garden of Eden. Because of the deception of Adam and Eve that was brought about through their seduction by the Nachash (the Hebrew word for “shining one”), mankind was plunged into a war that they did not start.
78 FollowersWelcome to We will show you everything from innovating projects, mega tech to the newest gadgets. Get ready to be amazed! Subscribe & Follow us to stay up to date with the latest #technology #innovation #gadgets #tools #innovatingtech
No Age Ontology
71 FollowersThis channel is about the Science of Mind and Reality. It is a compendium of ancient spiritual and philosophical teachings that guide towards total liberation from the bondage of time.
Body Language Study
70 FollowersUnlock the secrets of non-verbal communication with our in-depth body language analysis! From breaking down public figures' gestures to helping you understand the unspoken cues in everyday interactions, our channel offers expert insights that reveal what people are really saying without words. Subscribe for weekly videos that will sharpen your observational skills and enhance your understanding of human behavior.
Almost Lost Images and Audio
70 FollowersThis channel is dedicated to finding and showing/playing images and audio that are not often seen or heard....slices from the past that are almost, but not quite, lost. So you\'ll find old movie clips, antique audio recordings, pretty much anything that we are losing our ability to play and reproduce.
The Awakening Church Maui
69 FollowersWant a new and fresh church experience? With panoramic views of the ocean and outer islands as well as Haleakala, you can’t help but stand in awe of God and his creation. We want to welcome you to a unique church encounter, where real people and families can come as they are and connect with God. Our mission is to help people say “YES” to God in all areas of their lives and to walk in the fullness of meaningful relationship with Jesus. Sundays @ 9:30am 650 Lipoa Pkwy Kihei, HI (MAUI)
Jason's Grassroots Messages
68 FollowersDonald Trump
67 FollowersDonald Trump
63 FollowersCare Packages for our Heroes
63 FollowersWelcome to Troopathon: Year-Round Support for Our Troops! Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of our brave servicemen and women throughout the year. Troopathon is the ultimate and most convenient way to send love and support to our deserving troops, not just during the holiday season. Every single donation holds immense importance as it directly contributes to caring for the next person on our ship list. Each care package is meticulously hand-packed and personally addressed to someone serving our country on the front lines. Packed with the most requested items and infused with love, our care packages ensure that no one is forgotten. At Troopathon, we firmly believe in showing gratitude to those who selflessly defend our freedom. Your donation today can make a significant difference in the lives of our troops. Please join us in supporting our heroes by making a donation today. Together, let's ensure that our brave men and women serving our nation know that they are appreciated and valued. Donate now to make a meaningful impact and show your support for our troops.
The Fourth Age
63 FollowersDiscussing the idea of Hero through history, and pop culture.