AllatRa TV Français


ALLATRA TV est une chaîne web internationale bénévole du Mouvement public international «ALLATRA», dont les participants sont les personnes de différents pays du monde. Des thèmes fascinants sur la connaissance de soi, des dialogues francs sur la chose la plus importante pour l'être humain, de bonnes actualités, des interviews insolites, etc. Tout ceci et beaucoup d’autres choses encore sur ALLATRA TV, une chaîne qui encourage l'apprentissage, une chaîne publique éducative, qui est en constante amélioration, elle est constructrice et elle aspire vers la bonté.Si vous avez le désir d'appliquer de manière désintéressée vos compétences et vos connaissances au profit du développement spirituel et moral de la société, d'acquérir de nouvelles compétences dans divers domaines de la créativité, et de générer du bien dans une équipe amicale de personnes partageant les mêmes idées, alors nous vous invitons à rejoindre les projets ALLATRA TV. Notre adresse :

A San Francisco Conservative


Welcome to A San Francisco Conservative: The Podcast Featuring Author David Parker! Join David Parker, a true "renaissance man" -- author, educator, investor and musician -- as he shares his passion for History, Economics, and the insights on topics including education, music and entrepreneurship. Those who join David Parker and his co-host Tom Martin, a longtime journalist whose views lean more towards the liberal scale of the political spectrum, will be stimulated and entertained. After watching or listening to an episode or two, of this podcast series -- named for the second of Parker's three books of essays -- it quickly becomes that "A San Francisco Conservative" is definitely NOT "an echo chamber" for extreme, right-wing opinions.

Scott Milas - Franchise Coach


As a former corporate refugee turned entrepreneur, I have dedicated my career to helping individuals from diverse backgrounds achieve success in franchise ownership. My passion is to guide aspiring entrepreneurs through the complexities of franchising and support multiunit franchise owners in diversifying their portfolios. With an extensive portfolio of franchise companies across various industries, I bring 35+ years of business experience, guidance, education, and a profound understanding of the franchise landscape and industry. My services aim to streamline your journey by providing comprehensive research, qualification, and support to identify franchise opportunities that align perfectly with your lifestyle and financial goals. I focus on leading you to a validated decision process, not an emotional one. Best of all, my services are entirely free for you, as I am compensated directly by the franchisors I represent. I look forward to connecting with you and exploring how my expertise can support your entrepreneurial ambitions.