The Matrix Exodus


At the time of starting this channel, I was fighting a self-represented rape case for compensation. Under UK law, I had the right to remain anonymous. I have been focused on writing since I went through my court case which I sadly had to self-represent. On the plus side, I set a precedent that I did not come forward with my crime due to fear of being labelled a racist. Therefore, I won my case. I have released my first book, A Family Saga Tragedy which evolves around the teaching from a progressive school teacher. You can buy that book here. or if you don't like Amazon, you can buy it here.

NJP Exotics


Ever since I was young I have had a passion for wildlife. With traveling and exploring nature I have come across animals in amazing places! My passion for wildlife and my collection of exotic species is always growing! My goals are to have fun helping with conservation, education, inspiration, and learning myself by exploring the world. Seeing the beauty of our natural world. Step by step overtime I have invested so much into these goals with no plans to stop ever. With patience and hard work I will keep the passion I have for wildlife along with others alive. I am excited to get my personal projects going and hope that the videos I share get you excited and inspired as well. Comments are always welcome! So please if you have suggestions let me hear them! Thank you for joining in what I am passionate for! I am excited for the future ahead!