Eclectic ChitChat


A hangout for crass and terribly improper people to discuss wide ranging topics. Everything from ancient dental history to current cinematic blow back and all the madness in between. Monthly to biweekly productions in terms of content creation. Roundtable discussions, personal investigation into current events, one on one interviews, and how to's are are to be found for your watching or listening pleasure! Website: All podcast options available at our website above!



Yooo...BINGE TILL U DIEEE!!! I’m broke thx.... You're my heart, you're my soul. Welcome to my channel - This is a channel where you can find incredible life stories in the form of animated videos. Through each video, you’ll get to take a glimpse of the wonderful lives out there, experiencing all levels of emotion and open your eyes to the world as the main characters walk you through their life stories. With the main target being the Teen & Adult audience, we wish to bring you not only entertainment but also positive energies, an inspiration to live and appreciate.