Busted Knuckles


Busted Knuckles is a Gold Prospector and YouTuber w/ 29,000+ subscribers! Follow me across social media! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bustedknucklesprospecting/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BustedKnucklesgold TikToc: https://www.tiktok.com/@bustedknucklesprospector Have you ever wanted to learn how to pan for gold? But don’t know how to get started out, well this channel is exactly what you need to get the confidence up to go out prospecting your own gold. Whether you want to learn metal detecting, gold panning, Crevicing or sluicing. You can learn it all from watching some entertaining gold prospecting videos on this channel. @BustedKnucklesProspecting #gold #prospecting #crevicing #goldpanning #treasure

First Children's Embassy in the World Megjashi


The First Children's Embassy in the World, Megjashi- Macedonia, was founded by: Gordana and Dragi Zmijanac in Skopje, on 29.04.1992. Megjashi is a World Association of citizens and represents an international NGO for care, protection and promotion of the children's rights. Children's Embassy Megjashi advocates and protects children's rights, stands for responsible parenthood and respect for the child's personality. Megjashi continuously works on the strengthening of the civil movement for children’s rights and functionality of the institutions in the best interests of the child." 30 YEARS OF EXISTENCE AND WORK OF THE FIRST CHILDREN’S EMBASSY IN THE WORLD MEGJASHI - 30 YEARS OF MORE RIGHTEOUS WORLD FOR THE CHILDREN www.childrensembassy.org.mk

Communist Repression in Cuba


🇨🇺🚨| Our mission is to compile as many cases of human rights violations and police/ state brutality against the Cuban people by the Castro dictatorship since 1959 and thus bring awareness and solidarity to the Cuban people. We want a #FreeCuba | #Cuba #PoliceAbuse #PoliceBrutality #CommunismKills #ElCambioEsYa🌻 Nuestra misión es recopilar casos de violaciones de derechos humanos, represión y violencia policial en Cuba para mostrarle al mundo que nuestro país vive bajo una dictadura brutal de 61 años. Queremos libertad para Cuba y que los opresores vayan a corte y sean juzgados. Tw: @CubaPoliceAbuse IG: @CubaPoliceAbuse FB: CubaPoliceAbuse https://www.youtube.com/c/CubaPoliceAbusePNR/featured

Bite-SizeBlockbusters/movie recap/


The Channel of Bite-Size Blockbusters is dedicated to providing audiences with concise and impactful cinematic experiences that pack a powerful punch despite their short running time. From action to drama, comedy to horror, this channel features captivating films from across all genres in manageable bite-size chunks. Whether you're on a lunch break or just have 15 minutes to spare, these mini masterpieces will transport you into new worlds without taking up too much of your precious time. Join us at Bite-Size Blockbusters as we celebrate the art of storytelling condensed.