TorahBibleCodes: Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Search Software Research and Development


TorahBibleCodes: Equidistant Letter Sequences (ELS) Search Software Research and Development Our Mission: 1.) To Create and Develop FREE Open-Source Python TorahBibleCodes Search Software that is freely accessible to all. 2.) To Faithfully Implement the Pure Mathematical Algorithms of Professor Rips in Free, Open-Source Python. 3.) To Freely Share Open-Source Research and Data for Shared Research, Discoveries, and Advancements

Epic Machines, Agricultural Equipment, and Modern Innovations


Epic Mach features epic machines, agricultural equipment, and modern innovations. We present our viewers with awesome machines of the world. If you want to feature your epic machine(s), feel free to contact us. Should you have any questions about copyright, please contact us by email: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #amazingmachines, #agriculturemachines, #agriculturetechnology, #heavymachinery, #technology, #agriculture, #machinery, #harvester, #lawnmower, #heavymachine, #planter, #harvest, #compostingmachine, #snowblower #epicmach, #epicmach

The NonSequitur Show


NonSequitur is crafted around uncommon philosophy and influenced by a simple ideology. Here, bold ideas are righteous, unique perspective are gospel, and informed opinions are sacred. NonSequitur is hosted by Steve McRae, and follows a vision of content that is rich in optimistic sarcasm and seeks to balance entertainment with information, open minds, and provoke thought. NonSequitur is comprised of several formats. Each show features discussions with fascinating guests who are making an impact in our social, political, or religious culture. Some may consider ideas discussed here taboo, but NonSequitur defiantly showcases controversial issues in passionate debates. The result is a channel unapologetic in its audacity and relentless in its originality.

Loqui Podcast


🎙 Loqui Podcast apresenta convidados AO VIVO, com temas interessantes, onde você pode participar com perguntas e comentários. Loqui Podcast, o lugar do entretenimento com informação útil*. * Só é útil o conhecimento que nos torna melhor. Sócrates º º º 👍 APOIE o nosso CANAL: PIX MB WAY +351912423594 Patreon (CONTEÚDOS EXCLUSIVOS) º º º 📣 Quer DIVULGAR a sua EMPRESA? Entre em CONTACTO: E-mail WhatsApp +351912423594 º º º 🇵🇹 Coimbra, Portugal.

Public Safety Equipment Market Audit


We will explore the pubic safety vehicle equipment market, manufacturers, bidding, competition, contracts, suppliers, ethics, pricing. Exploring the world of police vehicles, specialty vehicle equipment and accessories. We will explore the space of ambulance & fire manufacturers. How much can you make in this industry? The technology involved, gimmicks, and expose how the market works. We will Calm the Chaos and make complex things simple. Whelen Engineering, Havis, Progard, Motorola, Ford Interceptor Utility, Chevrolet Tahoe, Federal Signal, Gamber, Jotto, SoundOff Signal, Tomar Electronics, FAMA, NFPA, HiViz, Code3, Rigid, Hella, Setina