Abide Fishing: Fishing. Travel. Hijinks.


Abide Fishing: A little fishing, a little travel, a lotta hijinks. The Youtube Fishing community is a crowded field--many of whom take themselves entirely too seriously, but you're not going to find that here. I'm a mediocre fisherman who enjoys traveling around North and South Carolina looking for cool places to launch a kayak...and if I'm lucky, I might even catch a fish or two. Click the subscribe button and come along for the ride. Social Media and Merch: https://linktr.ee/abidefishing

Defending Our Children


Veterans For Child Rescue's mission is to expose and eradicate the corrupt, underground criminal enterprise of child trafficking in the USA. By bringing awareness to the masses, more people can be empowered with knowledge and resources to safeguard children as well as identify and report child abuse and trafficking. This weekly radio show segues V4CR's hit documentary: CONTRALAND. V4CR founder, Craig "Sawman" Sawyer and Executive Director, Forrest Sealey invite special guests to discuss the various aspects of prevention, education, our justice system, politics and government, as well as what V4CR is doing to combat and end child trafficking. We are trending at 1.2 million streams monthly, and between 2 million to 4.5 million terrestrial listeners.

Backyard Chickens For Beginners


It is vital to take care of your chickens with proper food and clean water and revived them consistently. Business layer pellets give a fair wellspring of the right supplements. Kitchen scraps can likewise be given to chickens to enhance their eating regimen. Try not to give them chocolate, onions, and garlic as these can here and there cause medical issues. Utilize a chicken feeder that is vermin-and-wild-bird-verification to keep them from eating the chicken feed and tainting it.

HVAC for beginners


HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) is an essential system used to regulate the temperature, humidity, and air quality in buildings. It is used in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, as well as vehicles such as cars, trucks, and planes. If you are a beginner looking to learn more about HVAC, there are many classes and resources available to help you get started. Here are a few basic topics that you can expect to learn about in an introductory HVAC class: The basic principles of heating and cooling: This includes learning about the properties of heat, how it moves, and the different methods used to heat and cool a space. HVAC equipment and components: You will learn about the various types of HVAC equipment and their components, such as boilers, furnaces, air conditioners, heat pumps, and ductwork. HVAC design and installation: This includes learning about how to properly design and install HVAC systems for residential and commercial buildings. HVAC maintenance and repair: You will learn about the different maintenance and repair tasks involved in keeping HVAC systems running smoothly, such as cleaning, lubricating, and replacing parts. Energy efficiency: You will learn about the importance of energy efficiency in HVAC systems, and how to improve the efficiency of existing systems. Overall, an introductory HVAC class will provide you with a good foundation of knowledge that will allow you to understand how HVAC systems work and how to maintain and repair them. With this knowledge, you can pursue further training or certification in HVAC and begin a career in this in-demand field.

Kornelia Lein - Human Right Defender - free Journalist


Menschenrechtsverteidigerin gemäß Leitlinien der EU & Declaration on Human Rights Defenders 53/144, Artikel 1 & 25 Grundgesetz sowie der bay. Verfassung Artikel 84 sowie aller aus radifizierten völker- & menschenrechtlichen Verträgen entstandenen vertraglichen Bindung des Freistaats Bayern & der Bundesrepublik Deutschland sowie der Europäischen Union oder anderer Vertragspartner www.menschenrechte-deutschland.de Ich bin auch als freie Journalistin gemäß Artikel 5 GG tätig sowie der neuesten Rechtssprechung VG Minden AZ 1 L 729/23 tätig. Ich habe weitere Videos auf meinem Rumble Video Kanal & auf telegram mehrere Gruppen. Sollte mein Kanal hier gesperrt sein, findet Ihr mich dort. Wer meine Arbeit unterstützen will kann mich mit einer Zuwendung unterstützen & mich direkt über meine Kanäle kontaktieren. Mehr dazu https://rumble.com/vrcrwz-24.12.2021-das-ergebnis-der-zersetzung-des-staates.html oder an kornelia.lein@menschenrechte-deutschland.de eine Nachricht schicken