

Jonathan is a Brooklyn, New York, native A aluminum of the prestige Juilliard the Performing Arts University, the U.S. Marines called & after finishing a stint with the Marines Corps, he was honorable discharge. He was then drawn back to the world of art, specifically into the world of acting. Moving to South Florida with his union credentials, he explored all avenues of the film & television business Soared as a SAG-AFTRA actor, & Voice-Over performer. He has climbed very fast in the years and has been committed to the business for over 20 plus years. Along with exploring Acting, Voice-Over work, he is also drawn into the production side of the business where he is also producing films. He will outwork anyone, I saw him practice two days straight for a 2-minute scene. Dedication, sacrifice, and hard work are part of his everyday life. I like a quote he\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s always saying, One hand wash the other & both wash the face. Check out my subscribe star https://www.subscribestar.com/jadadakid

Caminhada da Saudade

1 Follower

Caminhar pelas ruas da vida nos faz reviver momentos especiais. Lembranças boas brotam a cada passo quando nos conectamos com o que realmente importa. Neste canal, compartilhamos reflexões profundas e perspectivas transformadoras a partir de caminhadas por lugares marcantes. Seguindo as trilhas da saudade, encontramos ensinamentos valiosos. Revivemos amizades, amores, conquistas e sonhos que moldaram quem somos. Apreciamos a beleza de simples instantes que ecoam pela eternidade em nossos corações. Junte-se a nós nesta jornada de introspecção e crescimento. A cada novo vídeo, um convite para olhar para dentro e reencontrar sua melhor versão. Inscreva-se agora para receber doses frequentes de inspiração e esperança.