Spooky Crow "everything around camp while the kettle is on"


yep this “spooky-crow” channel is dedicated to my old mate Andy from Gloucestershire in England. See this channel is born out of a long term nagging habit request of my best mate Andy, who happened to be a notorious watcher of outdoor and Bushcraft videos ever posted on YouTube... so naturally he constantly came up with pulling a leg on me. Obviously it became a running joke between us, mentioning the phrase “What's in your Pack than..." while sitting around a camp fire during several Bike, Hiking and Canoe trips over the past 20 years or so brewing up a nice cup of Tea and cooking in the woods.. mainly Scotland and the Scandinavian country. Chatting about our outdoor kit, joking around having a good laughter about our self and in general having a good time together while growing older.... that's old boys muppet stuff.. nothing seriously, just fun. Finally it's all coming together to get to on of my main project, namely "What's in may Pack" hence the name, see yourself and enjoy.

The Latin Metal Crew


La casa para todo el metal latinoamericano, con su host Pablangas. Tendremos nuevos lanzamientos mensuales, con todas las novedades del death metal, thrash metal, black metal y demases. Tambien tenemos la METAL WIKIPEDIA, donde podras saber todo sobre tus artistas y bandas preferidas del mundo del heavy metal. Y muchas secciones mas, como Armando Bardo, donde veremos mis opiniones sobre las mejores/peores cosas de nuestro metal, y podremos abrir el debate a algo tan subjetivo como nuestros propios gustos.

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Crow Bennett - Exile


Some time ago in 2006, I joined the Nexus Modding Community. I made audio and quest mods for Fallout 3. Through this community I learned of a Game called Fallen Earth which was going to be a Post-Apocalyptic FPS MMO. I met up with a guild at the End-Game, and Things didn't work out. But from the ranks of that guild, built my own in Fallen Earth, and a community of Survival Gamers were born. Since that time, I have played several other mmos, but long for the competitive gameplay and experience that existed in Fallen Earth. I also infrequently play console games. This Channel is Dedicated for all my gaming glory.